It's been over seven months, with 45,000+ civilians killed in P41estine the majority of whom are women and children. Similarly with Muslims worldwide (Burma, Kashmir, Uygurs in East Turkestan etc..), and the silence of "Muslim" rulers is deafening. The only solution is for Muslims to mobilize their armies and unite under a single umbrella of Khilafah, which is the promise of Allah SWT. If you are in a position of power, please raise your voice. If you can't do much, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society or any other charity organisations which you truly trust, JazakAllah khairan.

Method to Re-establish the State

Method to Re-establish the State (27)

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Allah (swt), in His Mercy has raised the Islamic Ummah above all Ummahs by giving it the honour of Islam. Allah (swt) bestowed upon us His favour, by giving us a Deen, complete and clear. Allah (swt) sent to us a Messenger, whose truthfulness and position is known to all, and without a doubt, he (saw) was most truthful when he said, “The grinding wheel of Islam is turning so turn wherever it turns”.

O Muslims in the West! Surely the grinding wheel of Islam is turning faster day by day. The call for the Khilafah has today become the highest call, and has taken root in the Islamic lands. It has shaken the thrones of the Kings and terrified the Presidents, who stand as an obstacle to it, seeking to extinguish the light of Islam. Allah (swt) says,

“They wish to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, even though the unbelievers may detest it” (TMQ al-Tauba, verse 32)

O Muslims! Ever since Britain and the Western states destroyed our Khilafah on the 3rd of March 1924, this Ummah has not witnessed a single day of happiness. Our lands were divided, our fathers humiliated, our brothers disheartened, and our mothers and sisters were dishonoured; crying for their Imam, the Khaleefah who they lost as a protection and under whose shade they used to live.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “The Imam is a shield, from behind which you fight and defend yourselves”.

Never has the Muslim Ummah been so devastated. Never have we been so divided. Never have we allowed the Kuffar to gain the upper hand, spreading fasad (corruption) upon the earth. Even though Allah (swt) described us as witnesses over mankind, when He (swt) said,

“We have made you an Ummah in equilibrium that you may be witnesses over the affairs of mankind, and the Messenger is a witness over you” (TMQ al-Baqarah, verse 143)

It is because of all of this, we call you to the noblest of work; the work to re-establish the Islamic Khilafah. We call you to the highest of the Fara’id (obligations); the Fard that will bring back the rules of Islam to the realm of life once again, bringing life to the world. We call you, with the warmest of calls, to work, with all your efforts to bring back our state, following the only method which is acceptable to Allah (swt); the method of His Messenger, Muhammad (saw).

Indeed the highest of positions today is that of the carrier of the pure Islamic Da’awah. It is the Da’awah carrier that with his words struck fear in the hearts of the leaders of Qur’aish in Mecca and brought hope to the sincere believers.

O Muslims in Britain! As part of the plan to keep this Ummah disunited and weak, false borders between brothers were created and false identities for us were established. Instead of uniting as one Ummah under one banner, nation states were formed and separate identities came about. We were told to call ourselves Jordanians, Egyptians, Pakistanis… and today British. By doing so they set for us cheap struggles or localised goals, which distanced us from the vital issues of Islam.

The Prophet (saw) said, “The believers are like a body if the eye is in pain the whole body is in pain...”

Is it not about time that these divisions between us are swept away and we begin working for this noble goal ? It is today that we say to you, the Khilafah is to return, since Allah (swt) has promised for us this. The sons of this Ummah have sacrificed much for its return. Indeed we, the Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir, declare that the return of the Khilafah is an inevitability. Then the believers will see the days of happiness and tranquillity. They will bring glory to Islam and disgrace to Kufr, and the Words of Allah (swt) will become high, and those of the Kafireen will become low.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “This matter is like night and day. Allah (swt) will not leave a single home whether made of stone or the skin of the animal, except that He (swt) will make Islam enter it with glory or humiliation. A glory with which Allah will make Islam powerful and humiliation with which he will disgrace Kufr. (Ibn Hibban, sahih on the authority of al Miqdad ibn al Aswad).

We must re-establish the Khilafah, regardless of the cost, because we wish for our Lord to look upon us with the position of pleasure and mercy. And we love for you what we love for ourselves, and upon this we invite you and all the Muslims to work sincerely and in earnest, utilising all energies, with the sincere and serious workers, who aim to re-establish the lost Khilafah, and the return of the missing gem, so that we take back our rightful positions between the nations, as bringers of happiness, as bringers of guidance and as witnesses over mankind. This is the honour in this world and in the Hereafter. Not one of you should neglect this honourable duty, to be the finest inheritors to the finest predecessors. So raise your determination, and motivate your sense of honour towards your Deen and Ummah, and let not the mass of falsehood and its influence cause you dismay, for this stage is nearly over, and the line illustrating the work of those working for Khilafah is increasing at an astonishing rate, and their steps towards victory become closer and closer everyday. Our trust in Allah (swt) is great and our hope for his nearing victory is untouched by even a single mark, and Allah (swt) has full power over His affairs, but most among mankind know not, and He, glory be to He, is the one who said,

“Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion, the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace” ( TMQ al-Nur, verse 55)

And finally we finish with this Dua’a with which we would like to face Allah (swt):

O Allah! We ask of You an Iman that is unshakable and a bravery that is unyielding and a will that is not overwhelmed and a resolution that is not broken and nerves that are not disturbed. O Allah! Establish us on Your Deen and in carrying Your call until we eet You. O Allah! Help us with the strong Believers and help us with the righteous Believers. O Allah! Support us with those who, together with us, carry the Da’awah and carry its burden, worry and responsibility. O Allah! Put in place for us the support and protection. Make ready for us those who will enable us to take power in Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and other Islamic countries and make them respond to our call. O Allah! Give us the ability to establish the Khilafah and raise the Islamic flag (Ra’ya) and apply the Shari’ah. O Allah! Give us the ability to remove the Kufr rules and systems from all of the Muslim countries. And enable us to destroy Israel and destroy every dominance of the disbelieving states over even a single Islamic country. O Allah! Enable us to unite all the lands of Islam in the Khilafah state. Ya Rabb al alameen. Allahumma Ameen.

Jumada al-Awal, 1421 AH

August, 2000

Hizb ut-Tahrir is an Islamic political party that has established itself upon the Aqeeda of Islam. Its aim is to resume the Islamic way of through establishing the Khilafah and then carry Islam to the rest of the world through Da’awah and Jihad. For this noble goal she has taken the method of Muhammad (saw) as her method.

The Party started the first stage in al-Quds in 1372 AH (1953 CE) under the leadership of its founder, the honourable scholar, thinker, able politician, Qadi in the Court of Appeals in al-Quds, Taqiuddin al-Nabhani (may Allah’s mercy be upon him).

In this stage, the Party used to make contact with the members of the Ummah, presenting to them, on an individual basis, its idea and method. Whoever accepted the basic idea, the Party would organise for him intensive study in the circles of the Party, so that he became purified by the thoughts and rules of Islam adopted by the Party and thus in the process became an Islamic personality.

Thus he interacts with Islam and enjoys an Islamic mentality and Islamic emotions leading him to start to carry the Da’awah to the people. When a person reaches this stage he impresses himself on the Party and thus becomes a member of it. This is the way in which the Messenger of Allah (saw) had acted in his first stage of the Da’awah, which continued for three years, by inviting people individually and presenting to them that which Allah (swt) had revealed to him (saw). He gathered together secretly those who believed in him on the basis of this ideology. He was concerned to teach them Islam and read to them from what was revealed and was being revealed to him until he had melted them with Islam. He used to meet them secretly and teach them in places hidden from the eyes of the people. They also used to perform their worship privately. Eventually, the Da’awah for Islam spread in Makkah, and people started to talk about it and began to enter Islam in groups.

At this stage of the Da’awah, the Party focused its attention on building its body, increasing its membership and culturing the individuals in its circles by the concentrated Party culture until it had managed to form a party structure from people who were melted by Islam, and who had adopted the thoughts of the Party and had interacted with these thoughts and conveyed them to the people.

After the Party had managed to form its structure and society had become aware of it, recognised it and its thoughts and what it was calling for, the Party moved to the second stage in emulation to the method of the Prophet (saw).

This stage is the interaction with the Ummah to make her carry Islam and to establish in the Ummah the common awareness and the public opinion over the thoughts and the rules of Islam adopted by the Party, so that she adopts them as her own thoughts and strives to establish them in life, and proceeds with the Party in the work to establish the Khilafah State and to appoint the Khaleefah in order to resume the Islamic way of life and carry the Islamic Da’awah to the world.

In this stage the Party developed its activities from only approaching individuals to also talking to the masses collectively. In this stage it used to carry out the following functions:

The concentrated culturing of individuals in circles to build the body of the Party and increase its members, and produce Islamic personalities that are capable of conveying the Da’awah and rushing forward into the intellectual and political struggle.

The collective culturing of the masses of the Ummah with the thoughts and the rules of Islam which the Party had adopted, through lessons, lectures, and talks in the mosques, centres and common gathering places, and through the press, books and leaflets. This was done in order to create a common awareness within the Ummah and to interact with her.

The intellectual struggle against the Kufr creeds, systems and thoughts, the erroneous ideas and the fraudulent concepts by exposing their falsehood, defects and contradiction with Islam, in order to deliver the Ummah from them and from their effects.

The political struggle, which is represented by the following:

A struggle against the Kufr colonialist states which have domination and influence on the Islamic countries. The challenge against colonialism in all its intellectual, political, economic and military forms, involves exposing its plans, and revealing its conspiracies in order to deliver the Ummah from its control and to liberate it from any effect of its influence.

A struggle against the rulers in the Arab and Muslim countries, by exposing them, taking them to task, acting to change them whenever they denied the rights of the Ummah or neglected to perform their duty towards her, or ignored any of her affairs, and whenever they disagreed with the rules of Islam, and acting also to remove their regimes so as to establish the Islamic rule in its place.

To assume the interests of the Ummah and to adopt its affairs in accordance with the Shari’ah rules.

The Party was clear, open and challenging in the carrying of its thoughts and in confronting the false thoughts and political parties, both in its struggle against the disbelieving colonialists and in its struggle against the rulers. It does not flatter, coax, act courteously or prefer safety, irrespective of the results or the circumstances of its Da’awah.

It challenges everybody who disagrees with Islam and its laws, a matter which has exposed it to severe harm committed by the rulers against it; such as imprisonment, torture, deportation, pursuit, attacking members livelihoods, impairment of interests, banning from travelling and murder. The oppressive rulers in Uzbekistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and others have killed dozens of its members. The prisons of Uzbekistan (over 4000), Syria (over 800), numerous numbers in Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia are full of its members. The Party sustained all this through following the example of the Messenger of Allah (saw).

Though the Party committed itself to be open, clear and challengingly in its Da’awah, it restricted itself to political actions alone and did not exceed them by resorting to material actions against the rulers or against those who opposed its Da’awah, following the example of the Messenger of Allah (saw) who restricted himself in Makkah solely to the Da’awah and he (saw) did not carry out any material actions until he had migrated to Madinah. And when the people of the second pledge of ‘Aqabah proposed that he give them permission to fight the people of Mina with the sword, he answered them saying, “We have not been ordered to do that yet”. And Allah (swt) asked him (saw) to be patient about the persecution as the Messengers of Allah before him had been, when Allah (swt) said to them,

“Messengers indeed have been denied before you, and yet they remained patient after the rejection (of their message) and they were patient against the persecution till our victory reached them” (TMQ al-An’am, verse 34)

The fact that the Party does not use material power to defend itself or as a weapon against the rulers is of no relevance to the subject of Jihad, because Jihad has to continue till the Day of Judgement. So whenever the disbelieving enemies attack an Islamic country it becomes compulsory on its Muslim citizens to repel the enemy. The members of Hizb ut-Tahrir in that country are a part of the Muslims and it is obligatory upon them as it is upon other Muslims, in their capacity as Muslims, to fight the enemy and repel them. Whenever there is a Muslim Amir who declares Jihad to enhance the Word of Allah (swt) and mobilises the people to do that, the members of Hizb ut-Tahrir will respond in their capacity as Muslims in the country where the general call to arms was proclaimed.

When the society became unresponsive to the Party as a result of the loss of the Ummah’s confidence in its leaders and chiefs on whom it had placed its hopes, the difficult circumstances under which the region was placed in order to ease the implementation of the conspiracies, the oppression and despondency which the rulers practised against their peoples and the severe harm which the rulers inflicted on the Party and its members, when the society became unresponsive for these reasons the Party started to seek the support of the influential people with two objectives in mind:

i) For the objective of protection, so that it could manage to continue its Da’awah while secure from affliction.

ii) To take over the rule in order to establish the Khilafah and apply Islam.

In addition to performing the actions of seeking material support, the Party continues to perform all the actions which it used to carry out, like concentrated circles, the collective culturing, focusing on the Ummah to make her carry Islam and establishing the public opinion for Islam within it. It continued to struggle against the colonial disbelieving states by revealing their plans and exposing their conspiracies, as it continued to struggle against the rulers by adopting the interests of the Ummah and taking care of its affairs.

The Party still continues in its work and hopes that Allah (swt) will grant to it and to the Islamic Ummah the help, success and victory, and at that moment the believers will rejoice soon Insh’Allah!

“Prophethood will last with you for as long as Allah wants it to last. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be Khilafah according to the method of Prophethood, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be a hereditary rule, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be an oppressive rule, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be a Khilafah according to the method of Prophethood.” Then he (saw) fell silent”

The Return of the Khilafah

Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (volume four page 273) narrated from al-Nu’man Ibn Bashir (ra) as saying that the Prophet had stated, “Prophethood will last with you for as long as Allah wants it to last. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be Khilafah according to the method of prophethood, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be a hereditary rule, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be an oppressive rule, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then He will end it if He wishes to end it. Then there will be a Khilafah according to the method of Prophethood.” Then he (saw) fell silent”

The Messenger of Allah (saw) has foretold the return of the Khilafah after its demise and destruction. Today we are witnessing the oppressive rule that the Messenger of Allah (saw) informed us of, however we are also nearing the return of the Khilafah that is upon the Minhaj of the Messenger of Allah (saw) that he (saw) stated would once again return.

Indeed we should realise that the increased oppression that the believers and the carriers of the Da’awah to Islam and the establishment of the Khilafah are facing is only a sign of the return of the Khilafah and the hypocrite rulers acknowledgment of this. We should take confidence and increase our steadfastness, patience and perseverance against such tyrants from the words of the Messenger of Allah (saw) as narrated from Imam Ahmed in his Musnad on the authority of Maqal ibn Yasar who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Tyranny will not be long in appearing after I am gone. Whatever tyranny appears, a like amount of justice will go, until people are born under tyranny who have never known anything else. Then Allah will bring justice, and whatever justice comes, a like amount of tyranny will go, until people are born under justice who have never known anything else.”

We are now upon the brink of the return of the Khilafah. There are many narrations and prophecies concerning its return. Indeed the Messenger of Allah (saw) foretold that the rule of Islam will return and also that it will take its place in al-Quds, as the seat of the Khilafah will be in al-Quds.

In the book of Ibn Asakir entitled the “Great history of Damascus”, Yunis Ibnu Maysara Ibnu Halbas is reported to have said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “This rule (i.e. the Khilafah) will be after me in Madina, then in Al-Sham, then in the peninsula, then in Iraq, then in Madina, then in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Al-Quds), and when the rule is established in Al-Quds, that would be its place, and thereafter nobody will be able to remove it.”

The Ummah has witnessed the seat of the Khilafah moving from Madina, al Sham, Iraq and Madina in the times of the earlier Khulafa’. Insh’Allah when it returns again it will take al Quds as its capital! Ibn Sad and the author of Kanz ul Ummal 14/252 both narrated that Abu Umayra Al-Mazani said: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “There will be a Baya’a of guidance in Bayt Al-Maqdis.”

Ahmad in his Musnad (5/288), Abu Dawood in his Sunan No 2535 and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak extracted the following Hadith: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “When the Khilafah comes to the Holy land, this would mean that the earthquakes, the calamities and the major events are imminent, and that the Hour will then be nearer to people than my hand is to your head.”

Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak 4/468, Ahmad is his Musnad 2/84 and Abu Dawood in his Sunan, under number 2482, reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Two immigrations will take place, and the latter will be to the place where your father Ibrahim may peace be upon him had immigrated.”

The first Hijrah was that of the Messenger of Allah (saw) at the establishment of the first Islamic State that lasted 1342 years, Insh’allah the next will be with the resumption of the Khilafah. We can be assured of the return of the Khilafah, indeed the Khilafah would be a prosperous one and a mighty one that will unify the Islamic land and carry Islam to the rest of the World.

Al-Nawawi in his book entitled Sharhu (explanation of) Muslim (18/38-39) and in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad 3/317 the following Hadith was reported on the authority of Jabir: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Among the last generation of my Ummah, there will be a Khaleefah who will scatter the money without counting it. In another report the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “When the end of the world is near, there will be a Khaleefah who would divide the money without counting it.”

The following Hadith was extracted by Muslim in his Sahih according to Sharhu al-Nawawi (chapter 18 page 13), Abu Dawood in his Sunan (Hadith 4252), Al-Tirmithi chapter 2 page 27), Ibnu Majah (2952) and Ahmad’s Musnad (chapter 5 pages 278 & 284) and Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak (4/ 479), on the authority of Thawban: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Verily Allah has cornered (i.e. gathered together) the earth for me, so I saw its eastern and its western parts. And verily the authority of my Ummah will reach the parts of the earth which have been shown to me.”

In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad 2/176, and that of Al-Darimi (chapter 1 page 126), and in Al-Mustadrak of Al-Hakim (3/422) the following Hadith was extracted on the authority of Abu Qabil who said: “We were at Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al A’as, and he was asked: Which of the two cities would be conquered first, Constantinople or Rome? So Abdullah asked for a box to be brought, and from it he took out a book and then said: We were once gathered around the Messenger of Allah (SAW) writing, and he (SAW) was asked: Which of the two cities would be conquered first, Constantinople or Rome? The Messenger of Allah (SAW) replied: The city of Heraclius will be conquered first (meaning Constantinople)”.

The first conquest mentioned in the Hadith has already been achieved, i.e the conquest of Constantinople, under the leadership of the Khaleefah Muhammad Al-Fatih, and this was 800 hundred years after the Messenger of Allah (saw) had foretold it. With the help of Allah, the second conquest, i.e. that of Rome, will be achieved soon.

O Muslims! Allah has promised the victory to those amongst who have a strong unshakeable Iman and work for the Deen in order to make the Raya (flag) of La ilaha ill Allah the highest.

In Surah al-Nur, verse 55 Allah (swt) promises the Believers,

“Allah has promised, those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, indeed, grant them inheritance of power in the earth, as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their Deen, which He has chosen for them, and that He will change their state, after the fear in which they lived in, to one of security and peace. They will worship Me alone and not associate aught with Me, and those who do reject the faith after this, they would be the rebellious and the wicked.” (TMQ al-Nur, verse 55)

Imam al-Qurtubi wrote in his book entitled Al-Jami’i Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an in commentary about this verse the following: “It is correct to say that the verse applies to the Ummah of Muhammad in general, for the specification does not take place unless the conveyor (i.e. the Prophet) informs us about it; and what is known to be the rule, is to always adhere to the generality.”

Imam al-Shawkani wrote about this verse in his book entitled Fath-ul-Qadeer chapter 4 page 74, the following: “This is a promise from Allah (SWT) to those who believed in Allah and performed good deeds, that He will grant them authority over the whole world, as He did grant it to former nations. This promise applies to the whole of the Ummah, it has been claimed that the promise was specific to the Sahabah, but there is no proof to substantiate such a claim, for the belief and the performing of good deeds is not restricted among the Sahabah, but open to every individual from among the Ummah.”

So the Messenger of Allah (saw) has foretold the re-establishment of the Khilafah and the dominance of this Deen, Allah (swt) has promised us the Victory and we have a Shari’ah that Allah has blessed us with guiding us upon how to resume the Khilafah.

More than this the Messenger (saw) foretold that a distinct band of people, a Party bonded around the Aqeedah of Islam standing firm against the tyrants not deviating from the Deen of Islam and remaining upon the Haq without caring for those that differ with them, nor those that abandon them; and they will suffer the afflictions trials and tribulations against the tyrants but will stick to the Deen of Islam and will be victorious and establish the order of Allah and his Deen upon the Earth.

Imam Ahmed in his Musnad and Abu Dawud in his Sunan narrated on the authority of Thawban “There will always be in my Ummah a Party (Taifa) who will remain upon the Haq, victorious, and will not be harmed by those who differ with them until the order of Allah comes” and in another narration from Imam Ahmed, Muslims’. Tirmidhi adds “ those who abandon them will not harm them”.

Muslim and Bukhari have related through Muawiya who said: I heard the Messenger if Allah (saw) say, “A Party (Taifa) from my Ummah will be established upon the order of Allah (qaimat bi amrillah) they will not be harmed by those who abandon them or differ with them, until the order of Allah comes and they are victorious over the people”.

Bukhari, Muslim and Imam Ahmad in his Musnad have also narrated that the Prophet (saw) said: “There will be from within my Ummah a Party (Ummatun) established upon the order of Allah, those who differ with them or abandon them will not be able to harm them until the order of Allah comes and they are upon it”. Muadh ibn Jabal (ra) stated “they are in ash Sham”.

Imam Ahmed and Tabarani narrated through a chain with reliable narrators (Rijal al Thiqa) on the authority of Abu Umama who said that the Prophet (saw) said, “There will be a Party from my Ummah who will be Victorious upon the Deen (of Islam), and they will defeat their enemies, they will not be harmed by those who differ with them except what strikes from trials and tribulations until the order of Allah comes and they are upon it.” The narrators then asked the Prophet (saw): O Messenger of Allah (saw) where are they? And he said: “They are in Bayt al Maqdis and the surrounding areas”.

Ibn Majah in his Sunan has related from Abu Hurayara on the authority of the Prophet (saaw), “There will be a Party (Taifa) from my Ummah established upon the order of Allah and they will not be harmed by those who differ with them.”

Imam al Hakim in his Mustadrak has related with an authentic sanad (chain) on the authority of Umar ibn al Khattab (ra), “There will be a Party (Taifa) from my Ummah that will remain victorious upon the Truth until the establishment of the Hour”

It has been related by Darimi from Mugheerah ibn Shuba (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “There will a band of people (Qaumun) from this Ummah who will be manifest from the people until the order of Allah comes and they are victorious”

Imam Ahmad extracted in his Musnad (5-114) on the authority of Ubay ibn Abi Ka’ab (RA) that he said: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Bring glad tidings to this Ummah, she will have the power, the pride, the Deen, the victory and the authority on earth. So he who worked to reap the rewards in this life rather than in the Hereafter, he would have no reward in the Hereafter.”

It is necessary that the Islamic political party is clear upon the nature of the Islamic system and also the way in which the state carries the Da’awah. Indeed the Islamic political party would have to have a very clear adoption upon a host of matters including the following:

The nature of the ruling framework, its structure and function, its application of the Shari’ah rules, a detailed understanding of the nature of the judiciary and how it performs its key functions. The economic principles and system in an elaborate manner and the State revenues, the way in which to manage the economy, its resources, the nature of the taxation systems and state relationship with the private companies and individuals as well as the nature of state properties and funds, such that it is capable of developing an economic policy effectively in accordance with the Shari’ah and what they demanded in terms of obligatory and necessary expenditure. The reality of citizens under the State, for both Muslims and non-muslims. The nature of the application of rules upon both Muslims and non-muslims amongst many other matters.

A draft constitution would be required in order to both visualise the Khilafah state and also for immediate implementation for when the Khilafah is established.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has adopted a detailed constitution and also elaborated upon their evidences and application in a book entitled “Muqadimat ud Dustoor aw asbab al Muwajjabba”, The Introduction to the Constitution or the reasons which make it Obligatory. The book also elaborates upon each key aspect of the ruling, economic, social systems and educational and foreign policies that have been mentioned in the constitution. The following is the first article of a draft constitution outlining the foundation of the Khilafah state and the necessity for the application of Islam in every single aspect and the carrying of the Da’awah.

Article 1: The Islamic Aqeedah (creed) constitutes the foundation of the State. Therefore, nothing is permitted to exist in the State’s structure, regime, accountability, or any other aspect connected with the State, that is not taken from the Islamic Aqeedah as its source. The Islamic Aqeedah is also the source for the State’s constitution and canons. Consequently, nothing related to the constitution or canons is permitted to exist unless it emanates from the Islamic Aqeedah.

The State is born by the initiation of new ideas that establish its foundation and structure. In addition, the power and authority in the State change as these ideas change. If the ideas become concepts and are well understood and believed in, then they affect the human being, who then behaves and proceeds through life according to these concepts. The viewpoint of benefits change as the perspective on life changes, and authority and power constitute the mechanism that supervises and administers these benefits. A unique idea that establishes a particular perspective on life forms the basis of the State as well as the fountain of its power, authority, systems and constitution. Because this particular idea about life is manifested in a group of concepts, standards and convictions, this group is considered the foundation while the authority is a caretaker of the affairs of the people, as well as the supervisor who sees that the caretaking of the people are carried according to this group of concepts, standards and convictions. This group of ideas establishes in totality the view of life and, according to this, the view of caretaking is established, and the power carries out those functions. From this understanding the State is defined as “A body (or entity) established upon a group of concepts, standards and convictions that a group of people embrace, which exercises its authority to preserve and safeguard those ideas.”

The group of ideas that the state is built upon either stems from a fundamental thought or no unique thought. If the group of ideas is built on a fundamental thought, then it would have a strong foundation with unshakable corners. In such a scenario, the state would be established upon a unique thought which provides the sole source of all its concepts, sentiments, constitutions and systems. If the state is not established upon a fundamental thought, then it would have a weak foundation that could be toppled easily or colonised by outside entities. Such a weak foundation would be easily subjected to foreign ideas and concepts, which would eventually invite the way for outside forces to destroy its body.

The Islamic State is built upon the Islamic Aqeedah because the group of concepts, standards, and convictions that the Islamic Ummah has accepted emanates from an intellectual creed. The Islamic Ummah accepted this creed and believed in it as an intellectual one by taking its definitive and conclusive proof. Upon this intellectual belief, the Muslims are obliged to submit completely to the Islamic Aqeedah in its entirety and to make the Islamic creed the sole basis of their lives, their standards, their thoughts and concepts, and their sentiments.

As a result, this Aqeedah establishes the Ummah’s overall idea about life and the basis of its viewpoint on life. Also, the Ummah’s view of benefits results from it, and from this Aqeedah, the Ummah takes the group of concepts, standards and convictions. Therefore the Islamic Aqeedah is the basis of the Islamic State.

Moreover, the Islamic State was established by the Messenger (saw) on a specific basis. As a result, this basis must be the foundation of the State at any time and place. When the Prophet (saw) established the authority and took over the rule in Madinah, he established it on the Islamic Aqeedah from the first day even though the verses that deal with legislation were not yet revealed. The Prophet (saw) established the foundation of the Muslims’ life, the judgments, relations and affairs of the people, as well as authority, power and ruling, upon the saying: “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

The Prophet (saw) also ordered Jihad and made it an obligation on Muslims to carry the Islamic Aqeedah to all people. Upon this mechanism, the Islamic State was able to propagate Islam to the world and expand its spheres while protecting its frontiers and safeguarding against any attempt to undermine its foundation. The Prophet (saw) said in one Hadith, “I was ordered to fight all the people until they say, ‘There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ If they say it, then their blood and money are immune and secure from me except by their (money and blood) rights.”

Islam mandated upon the Muslims the authority to implement the Ahkam Shari’ah. The rulers are designated by the Ummah to carry out this responsibility, Allah (swt) made it an obligation upon the Muslims to ensure that Islam would be implemented in its entirety by questioning the rulers, bringing the State and its officials to account before Islam, and maintaining the intellectual thoughts and the Islamic concepts among the people. Allah (swt) mentions the obligation of the Muslims to have a party or group to perform this function:

To maintain that the obedience and loyalty remains to Islam, Allah (swt) ordered the Muslims to obey the rulers only as long as they perform their appointed task of implementing the Islamic rules and to refer to the Ahkam Shari’ah regarding any issue or situation. Many Ahadith establish Islam as the only criterion for obeying the ruler as well as instructing the Muslims to detach themselves from the rulers if they cease to implement Islam.

‘Auf ibn Malik narrates, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love you, who invoke Allah’s blessings upon you and you invoke His blessing upon them. And the worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and whom you curse and who curse you.’ It was asked, ‘Shouldn’t we overthrow them with the help of the sword?’ He said, ‘No, as long as they establish the Salah among you’” (Muslim). In this Hadith, the word Salah indicates the rule by Islam.

All of this furnishes the proof that the foundation of the state is the Islamic Aqeedah which the Prophet (saw) established his State upon, ordered the Muslims to protect by Jihad, and obliged the Muslims to fight to maintain it as the foundation of ruling and authority. Based upon these evidences, the first article was put forth.

All matters, whether big or small, important or unimportant, valuable or invaluable, must be approached, examined and resolved based upon the Islamic Aqeedah. Any idea, thought, concept or law that is taken from human intellect, human judgment or any other source than the Islamic Aqeedah and not derived exclusively from the Ahkam Shari’ah is not acceptable. Concepts such as pragmatism, realism or any such idea that make the human being the source of rules and thoughts has no basis.

Also, Islam is a complete system that must be implemented in its entirety. Allah (swt) prohibits any partiality when it comes to Islam. Because the Islamic State is based entirely on the Islamic Aqeedah, such concepts as gradual and partial implementation of Islam are not acceptable. Implementing 20% of Islam would mean implementing 80% Kufr, and Islam rejects any such notion.

The concept of democracy must not be adopted by the State because it contradicts the concepts that emanate from the Islamic Aqeedah and it does not emanate from the Islamic Aqeedah. Democracy comes from the term Demos Cratos, which means ‘Sovereignty to the people’.

Concepts such as nationalism, patriotism and any other form of Asabiyyah (pride in family, tribe, or origins) have no place in Islam because they do not emanate from the Islamic Aqeedah and the Islamic concepts contradict them totally as well as show their dangers. In many Ahadith, the Prophet (saw) strongly emphasises Islam’s prohibition of any form of Asabiyyah. Regarding the second part of the article, its proof is that the constitution is the fundamental law of the State. The proof that Allah (swt) has ordered the ruler to implement the Ahkam Shari’ah is well established in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Allah (swt) says:

“Nay, by your Lord. They will not be believers until they make you rule in all that concerns them, and find no resistance in their hearts, and submit with full submission.” (TMQ al-Nisa’a, verse 65)

“And so rule between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires...” (TMQ al-Ma’idah, verse 49)

Also, Allah (swt) made the State’s legislation confined by the revelation of Allah and warned against ruling by other than Islam:

“...And whosoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed, they are the Kafirun (Disbelievers)” (TMQ al-Ma’idah, verse 44)

Furthermore, the Prophet (saw) mentioned that anything not derived exclusively from Islam, even if it is similar to Islam, is not accepted. Narrated by ‘A’isha (ra), “The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Whoever performs a (good) deed which we have not ordered (anyone) to do (or is not in accord with Islam), then that deed will be rejected and will not be accepted.’” (Bukhari)

All of this proves that the legislation of the State is confined to what emanates from the Islamic Aqeedah and what is derived solely from the Ahkam Shari’ah.

After the gaining of the Nussrah the Prophet (saw) established Islam in the society of Madinah. He drew up a constitution for Madinah detailing the nature of the relationships and how key matters would be resolved between the Muslims themselves, between the Kuffar (disbelievers) themselves, and between the Muslims and the Kuffar. This was known as the Sahifah (document) of Madinah.

The following are some extracts in order to give a picture of the document and the way in which the society was organised.

In the Name of Allah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem. This is a document from Muhammad (saw) the Messenger of Allah concerning the Muhajireen (Emigrants) and the Ansar (Those who gave the support i.e. the Aws and the Khazraj) and those who strove with them.

1) They are one Ummah to the exclusion of all other nations.

2) The Emigrants of the Quraysh unite together and shall pay blood money among themselves, and shall ransom honourably their prisoners. Every tribe of the Ansar are as they were first.

3) Believers shall not leave anyone destitute amongst them.

9) The Peace of the believers is indivisible. No separate peace accord shall be made when the believers are fighting in the way of Allah. Conditions must be just and equitable to all.

10) It is not permitted for a believer who holds what is in this document and believes in Allah and the Last Day to help a criminal nor give him refuge.

11) When you differ about a matter it must be referred to Allah and Muhammad (saw)

12) Killing a believer deliberately with no good reason entails killing the killer.

This has been related by Ibn Hisham (Volume 1 pages 502/3)

Hence the final stage of the Islamic political party would ensure that Islam is implemented radically, with no gradualism or partial implementation. Rather the implementation must be comprehensive. Also the authority must be in the hands of the Muslims and they must give the authority internal and external security.

“And Messengers before you were belied and yet they remained patient after their rejection and persevered until our Victory came to them” (TMQ al-An’am, verse 34)

Ibn Katheer has narrated from Imam Ali (ra): “When Allah commanded His Messenger (saw) to present himself to the Arab tribes, he went out to Mina accompanied by myself and Abu Bakr (ra) where we came to a gathering of the Arab tribes.”(Bidayah wan Nihayah Vol 3)

Hence, the Prophet (saw) started to approach the various different tribes and tribal leaders in order to secure the Nussrah i.e. the physical support so as to establish the authority of the Prophet (saw), which is practically the authority of the Deen. He went seeking military support from those that were capable of maintaining his (saw) authority and protecting the Muslims. An authority that would be able to ensure the implementation of Islam and the carrying of Islam across the world militarily.

Imam Tirmidhi narrates in his al-Jami’u that during the Ukaz forum the Prophet (saw) would communicate the glad tidings of Jannah and promises of success to those who believed and carried Islam. He would openly inform them that they would surely prosper, rule the whole of the Arabian Peninsula and subdue Persia if they professed Tawheed and accepted the authority of the Prophet (saw). Ibn Ishaq narrates from az Zuhri (ra) that the Prophet (saw) “Went to the Banu ‘Aamer bin Sa’sa’ah called them to Allah and offered himself to them: “Give me the support and protect me” (Ibn Hisham)). One of them by the name of Bayhara bin Firas said, ‘By Allah if I could take this young man from the Quraysh then I could conquer all the Arabs with him’. He then asked the Prophet (saw), ‘Do you think that if we followed you and Allah gave you the victory that we could have the command after you?’ He (saw) replied, ‘The Command belongs to Allah, who places it where he wills..’ Bayhara replied, ‘Are we to expose our throats to the Arabs in your defence and then when you are victorious the command will go somewhere else? We do not need your Deen!’ When this news reached one of the Shaykhs of Banu ‘Aamer who was unable to make the Hajj, and consequently the meeting, he stated, ‘Banu ‘Aamer is there any way we can make this right? Is there any way we can regain this lost opportunity? By Him in whose hand is my soul no descendant of Isma’eel has ever falsified this. It is indeed the Truth! What happened to your ability to judge him?’ (Also narrated by Ibn Hisham and Imam at-Tabari in his Tareekh volume 6 and also the Bidayah wan Nihayah of Ibn Kathir Vol 3 p. 139).

The Prophet (saw) also entered into discussions with Banu Sheeban bin Thalabah who stated that they would support the Prophet (saw) against the Arabs but not against the Persians. Again, the Prophet (saw) refused this conditional support as he (saw) was seeking an unconditional support against the whole of the world, a matter which indicates that he (saw) had a vision of spreading and conquering others with this Deen once it was established.

Also, Ibn Kathir has narrated in his Bidayah wan Nihayah from Abdullah ibn Ka’ab ibn Malik that, “the Messenger (saw) went to a branch of the Banu Kalb whose leader was Malih. He invited him towards Allah and then demanded protection (Nussrah), but they turned him down” (Bidayah wa-Nihayah Vol. 3 page 139).

Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated that Ali bin Talib (ra) told him, “When Allah, the Glorified, the Sublime, asked His Prophet (saw) to preach among the tribes of Arabia, he set out along with Abu Bakr (ra) for Mina. We went to one of the assemblies of the Arabian tribes. Sayyidana Abu Bakr came forward and paid Salam to them. He always came forward on such occasions because he was an expert in the lineage of the Arabs. He asked: “Which of the tribes are you”. They replied, ‘Rabiah’. ‘Which branch of Rabi-’ah’? He again asked.” Then a long Hadith has been transmitted in which it has been told (by Sayyidana ‘Ali): “Then we went to an assembly of a tribe which was very dignified and quiet. A number of honourable and dignified old men were sitting there. Abu Bakr came forward and paid Salam.” ‘Ali further said, “He always came forward on all such occasions. Abu Bakr asked them, ‘Which of the tribes are you?’ They said, “We are Banu Shaiban Tha’libah.’

Then Abu Bakr told the Messenger of Allah (saw) ‘May my parents be sacrificed for you, none besides them is more honourable in this tribe.’ Maruq ibn Amr, Hani ibn Qabisah, Mathanna ibn Haritha, and Nu’man ibn Sharik were also present in that tribe. Mafruq ibn Amr was closely related to Abu Bakr. He was the most eloquent person of them. Two locks of his hair (i.e. braid) came down to his chest. In that assembly he was nearest to Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr asked them, ‘What is your number?” They said, ‘We are one thousand in number; and one thousand is not a little figure.’ ‘What about your defence?’ asked Abu Bakr. ‘We always struggle (and defend ourselves), for every nation is bound to keep on struggle.’ Then Abu Bakr asked, ‘ What about (the result of) the battle between you and your enemies?’ Mafruq said ‘ When we fight, we are in one of our furies and the battle is enraged. We take care of the horses, used in the battle, more than our children; and prefer weapons over the milk-animals. So far as the victory is concerned, it is from Allah. Sometimes we gain victory, sometimes they gain victory.

I think you belong to Quraysh.’ Then Abu Bakr said, ‘I think you would have been informed about the Messenger of Allah (saw)’ After nodding towards the Holy Prophet, he said, ‘That’s he.’ Mafruq said, ‘We have received the news.’ Then he turned his attention towards the Messenger of Allah (saw) and asked, O my Quraysh brother. Towards which thing do you invite?’ On this the Messenger of Allah (saw) came forward and sat down over there while Abu Bakr remained standing shadowing over him with a piece of cloth. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘I call you to bear witness that none is worthy of worship besides Allah. I am the Messenger of Allah; and that you shelter and protect me; and help me until I discharge the duty placed upon me by Allah. The Quraish have openly violated Allahs’ commands, refuted his Messenger, and have contented with the falsehood instead of the truth. And Allah is the One, who is the Self-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.’ He further asked, ‘What do you preach again? O my Quraish brother!’ Then the Messenger of Allah recited the following verses:

“ Say: ‘Come, I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from’: join not anything as equal with him… Thus doth he command you that ye may be righteous.” (TMQ al-An’am, verses 151-153)

Mafruq again enquired, ‘Tell me something more about your preaching, O my Quraish brother! By Allah this speech is not of anyone who inhabits the earth. If it were theirs, we should recognise them’. On this the Messenger of Allah (saw) recited the following verse,

‘Allah commands justice and the doing of good. And giving help to kith and kin. And forbids evil deeds, Munkar and rebellious actions. He admonishes you so that you may take heed.” (TMQ al-Nahl, verse 90)

Mafruq said: ‘Oh Quraishi! By Allah, you have invited towards high values and best of the deeds. That nation has intentionally violated the Truth, who refuted you and revolted against you.’ Then Mafruq talked in such a way as though he wanted Hani bin Qabisah as well to take part in the discussion, and said, “ He is our leader, Hani ibn Qabisah. He is our religious leader. Hearing that Hani said, ‘O Quraish brother! I heard your speech and testified it. Our decision may be defective if we decide to give up our religion and follow you in this first meeting. You know that we have neither met before this, nor we hope to meet again in (the near) future. Therefore, give us a chance to think over your mission, otherwise it is possible that we would take a wrong decision. Let us have a serious thought over this because hurriedness may be a cause to err.

We have a nation with us. It is improper for us to take a decision in such a case without having their confidence. You, please go back now, think over it and let us have a thought over this as well.’ He (ie. Qabisah) also adopted such a way as though he wanted Muthanna ibn Haritha as well to take part in the discussion. Then he introduced him by saying, ‘’he is Muthanna, our leader and commander in the battlefield.’ Muthanna said, ‘ O my Quraish brother! I also heard your speech and admired your talks. I was rather amazed with your teachings. The answer from my side is similar to the one given by Hani ibn Qabisah. We live in such a place which is surrounded by two valleys on its two sides, one of that is Yamamah and the other Samawah’.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) asked, ‘What do you mean by these two valleys?’ He replied, ‘One of them is the desert of Arabia and the barren hills; while the other is the land of Persia having the canals of Kisra (Chosroes). We have a treaty with Kisra (the Persian Emperor) due to which we are staying there. According to the treaty we are not authorised to raise any new movement or give asylum to such a person who initiates a new movement. It is possible that your mission might be disliked by the Emperor (of Persia). An offender is sometimes pardoned and his excuse is acknowledged in Arabia but this is not the case of the Persians. An offender is not pardoned there and his excuse is not accepted. If you need our help [and shelter] in the Arabia, we are ready for that.’ The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘I think you do not show any reservation in replying me, provided you are true in your statement. Only that person supports Allah’s religion, who is protected from all sides.’ Then the Messenger of Allah (saw) holding the hand of Abu Bakr (ra) got up from there.

(Transmitted by Abu Na’im in “Dala’il-al-Nubuwah”, p.96. It has been related by Ibn Katheer “Al-Bidayah” Vol 3 page 142: Transmitted by Abu Na’im; In the Saheeh of Imam al Hakim; and and also the Sunan Baihaqi. The narration here is Abu Na’ims)

It has been narrated that the Prophet (saw) persisted and went to over 40 tribes in order to seek the Nussrah before he succeeded with the people of Madinah. This repetition, consistency and the Prophet’s (saw) non-acceptance of any conditions such as those presented by Ban ‘Aamer and Banu Sheeban, despite the fact that it was connected to the obligation of establishing the authority for Islam, which had been defined by the Prophet (saw) as a life and death issue, indicate the Shari’ah rule of seeking the physical support (Nussrah). Also, this indicates that it is an integral part of the method to establish the Islamic State.

The Nussrah from Madinah

The tribes of the Aws and the Khazraj, who were the power brokers of Madinah, finally gave the support (Nussrah) to the Prophet (saw) and thus came to be known as the Ansar (helpers). Ibn Hisham narrates that the Prophet (saw) met with the leaders of the Aws and the Khazraj at al-’Aqabah before the Hajj and took the pledge from them. This pledge is known as the Bay’atul-Harb (The Pledge of War). Before they took the pledge at-Tabari (Vol. 6 Par 1220) narrates that al-’Abbas was the first to speak in the negotiations. Al-Bara’ of the Ansar narrates that al-’Abbas addressed the Ansar saying, “O people of Khazraj (meaning Aws and Khazraj in Arab custom) …if you think that you can fulfil your promises which you made and defend him (meaning the Messenger (saw)) against his enemies, then assume the responsibility which you have taken upon yourselves. If you are going to abandon him and hand him over after he has come to you, then leave him now, for he is honoured by his people and safe in his land’. We said to him we have heard what you have said. Speak now Messenger of Allah and choose what you want for yourself and your Lord. Then the Messenger of Allah (saw) spoke to us and recited of the Qur’an which made us desirous of Islam. Then he(saw) said ‘I will enter into a contract of allegiance with you, provided that you protect me like you protect your women and children’. Then al-Bara’ took his hand and stated. ‘By Allah we will protect you like we would our womenfolk. Administer the oath of allegiance to us, O Messenger of Allah, for we are men of war and men of coats of mail. We have inherited this from generation to generation’. The Prophet (saw) gave the pledge ‘I will wage war against whom you wage war against and declare peace with whom you declare peace, my blood is your blood and my pact is your pact’ (Ibn Hisham)). At-Tabari then mentions that the Prophet (saw) asked them ‘Bring forth from amongst yourselves twelve chiefs’. Later on, after the pledge was given the Quraysh asked the Aws and Khazraj if such a pact had taken place. The Mushrikoon from the tribe who weren’t present stated that they knew of no such agreement. In fact, when the Prophet (saw) migrated to Madinah he did so in secret.

The purpose of the Prophet (saw) contracting this Nussrah was to establish the Islamic State in Madinah through gaining the power of the people of support (ahl un-Nussrah). The ahl un-Nussrah were to establish the State in Madinah after the Prophet (saw) found that he could not gain enough Nussrah in Makkah to establish the State there. The criteria for ahl un-Nussrah used by the Prophet (saw) was that they should be physically powerful enough to not only establish the State in their land, but also to defend it against foreign enemies. This is why he(saw) didn’t approach tribes such as Banu Ghifaar despite the fact that they had embraced Islam through the work of the Sahabi Abu Dharr al-Ghifaari (ra). This also explains why the Prophet (saw) refused the support of Banu Sheeban who could not guarantee the defence of the State against the Persians.

When the Prophet (saw) emigrated to Madinah the ahl un-Nussrah (Aws and Khazraj) came out wearing the leopard skin and swords i.e. war clothing, so as to establish the rule of the Prophet (saw) and fight any resistance. The Jews of Madinah realised then that this was a pre-planned matter. The Prophet (saw) had taken authority without allowing the enemies to make any preparations against him, he(saw) had orchestrated a coup d’etat. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ubay ibn Salul who, before this, was to be the King of Yathrib (Madinah) went to the Quraysh and, according to Ibn Hisham, stated to them that his people had never made such a decision without consulting him before. Indeed, the coup d’etat had allowed the Prophet (saw) to enter Madinah as its new leader.

Hence the actions, in this stage of the political party, would be the following:

i) Continuing to call people to Islam not through force but intellectual discourse.

ii) Continuing to culturing those who respond with a strong understanding of this Deen and strong Iman in order to carry the Da’awah and shoulder the responsibilities.

iii) The Intellectual and Political struggle. This manifests itself into the adopting of the interests of the society and highlighting the corruption of the system and illustrating the Islamic system. Also by exposing the rulers and how they are not looking after the affairs of the people. In the current reality it would be exposing the plans of the Kuffar colonialists.

iv) Seeking the support from those capable of removing the present authorities and establishing, securing and maintaining the Islamic ruling i.e. militarily capable. This support must be from those who embrace Islam i.e. Muslims and unconditional.

This last point would normally be done by the party seeking to access the military in order to take the authority. This would be after establishing the public opinion for the implementation of Islam through the intellectual and political struggle, so that the Ummah sees this as her political aim and the means of her salvation. After this the military would be capable of establishing the authority of Islam. Hence a coup d’etat would be the manifestation of the political change that the Islamic political party had inspired in the people and the practical support in order to actually carry Islam through Da’awah and Jihad to the rest of the world.

Some Important Distinctions

It must be clear however that there are certain distinctions, which would need to be made between this method and the current situation:

i) The most important distinction is that Muslims today are not directed by Allah(swt) as the Prophet (saw) was. Hence, the Starting point (Nuqtat al-Ibtida’) of the Da’awah is from wherever the Party began in the Islamic world, and this is also where the culturing stage started from. Also, the Prophet (saw) was ordered by Allah (swt) when to enter the interaction stage, the Muslims of today were not. Hence, according to the Shari’ah principle ‘Whatever is necessary to accomplish an obligation is in itself an obligation’, the Muslims of today were required to attempt to enter the interaction stage when as a political party they were capable. If they were unsuccessful, so for example if the members of the party abandoned the party or were killed making them incapable of interaction, then the party would have to retreat back into the stage of culturing. This delicate point is the point at which the party attempts to launch itself into the society. If it is successful then it will have entered the society and the interaction stage. This is the Launching point (Nuqtat al-Intilaq).

ii) Today, Muslims are combating a set of Kufr concepts and thoughts in the Da’awah that are different to those that the Prophet (saw) faced, although the way in which it would be done would be the same, intellectually and politically. So he (saw) was dealing with the idols of al-Lat and ‘Uzza while today one deals with idols of democracy and the kingship of man against Allah(swt). He (saw) was dealing with concepts such as infanticide whilst today one deals with ideas of feminism, secular human rights and freedom. He (saw) was dealing with the Deen of the Mushrikeen, Jews and Christians whilst today one deals with Capitalism and Socialism. Also, the Prophet (saw) was struggling against the tribes of the Quraysh and their leaders. The struggle today would be against the colonialists and their agent rulers in the Islamic World.

iii) Another difference is related to the power. The power during the time of the Prophet (saw) lay with the powerful tribes and their leaders. However, today, in most cases, this power lies in the militaries of the Muslim countries. This affects where one seeks the Nussrah from. After reaching this point, known as the support point (Nuqtat al-Irtikaz) the party would enter into the final stage which is that of seizing the power and implementing Islam, carrying it to the rest of the world via the Da’awah and Jihad.

This is the ways in which the differences impact the contemporary Da’awah, however the methodology that has been derived from the Shari’ah evidences is the same and is the only practical method Islam has laid down in order to establish itself.

So the Islamic political party would have to proceed on this path not deviating off it by a hairline. If it did so it would be a deviation from the Shari’ah methodology that has been established through correct Ijtihad. This was the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and is no different from the rule of Salah or any other obligation that Allah has prescribed and the Messenger (saw) elaborated for us.

It is the only way that the Ummah can attain her revival and Islam can return to dominate life’s affairs, as it is only the Khilafah that can ensure the existence of Islam and this is the only methodology that Islam has laid down.

Imam Abu Ja’far At-Tabari (ra) states, “After three years of his Prophethood Allah (swt) commanded His Messenger (saw) to go out and proclaim the Message to the people publicly (enter the society) and summon them to it. Allah (swt) said to him,

“So proclaim what you have been commanded and tun away from the Polytheists”(TMQ al-Hijr, verse 94) (at-Tareekh at-Tabari Vol. 6 Par 1170).

It was in this phase of the Da’awah that the Prophet (saw) interacted with the society. He (saw) carried Islam to the people, in order to be established in authority. He (saw) challenged the authority of the Quraysh. He(saw) challenged the corrupt way they were running the affairs in their society i.e. the existing relationships. He (saw) also exposed their practices, facing with his Sahabah (ra) all types of persecution, boycotts and slander as a result. He (saw) rejected all attempts of the Quraysh and their leaders to be pliant and compromise on any aspect whatsoever. He carried Islam as the only leadership for the Arabs and the whole of humanity.

Hence the Da’awah took the way of an intellectual and political struggle in order to change every aspect of the system to establish the Deen of Allah, to uproot Kufr from its very basis and replace it with Islam.

This has all been narrated in the books of Sunnah and Seerah regarding the revelation of the verses of the Qur’an, the incidents surrounding them and the way in which the Prophet (saw) carried them to the people through the struggle.

The addressing of the relationships in the society

Allah (swt) in the various ayaat of the Qur’an addressed the various relationships and practices in the society. An example is when the Qur’an posed the question

“When the infant child asks, for what crime was she killed” (TMQ al-Takweer, verse 8-9)

The books of Seerah narrate that this Ayah had a profound effect across the society as burying the daughters was a widespread phenomena at that time, albeit a tradition that they were finding difficult to justify. It has been narrated that Sumayah (ra), the mother of ‘Ammar (ra) embraced Islam after these ayaat made her think of her own corrupt practices and therefore the new Deen of Muhammad (saw).

The Prophet (saw) also addressed, via the revelation, the way that cheating took place in the market place, the Qurayshi leaders were at the head of this particular practice and specifically when the unsuspecting pilgrims came. Allah (swt) stated in the Qur’an,

“Woe to those who deal in fraud” (TMQ al-Muttaffifeen, verse 1).

This was described by at-Tabari quoting Ibn Ishaq through Ibn Humayd from Salamah, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) proclaimed his Message to the people openly and declared Islam publicly …they did not withdraw from him or reject him in any way as far as I have heard (i.e. narration) until he spoke of their gods and denounced them. When he did this they took exception to him and united in their hostility to him…They objected to his departure from their ways and denouncing their gods…they approached Abu Talib (The uncle of the Prophet [saw] who was protecting his nephew from the Quraysh) and said, “Abu Talib your nephew has reviled our gods, denounced our Deen, derided our traditional values and told us our forefathers were ignorant.” According to the narration of Ibn Sad: “There isn’t a single evil that he hasn’t done.”

Hence we can see that the Da’awah of the Prophet (saw) was calling for a radical change in the way they were living their lives, and the manner in which the society was dealing in its worships, social values, economic practices. Their whole way of life and identity was being addressed, with a view to replacing them with a new Deen and a new way of life. Hence, he(saw) used to address the whole system of life by which the Quraysh lived their lives and was offering the system of Islam as an alternative led by the Prophet (saw) himself.

Struggle against the political leadership

These actions of the Prophet (saw) naturally brought him into struggle against the political leaders of the Quraysh who stood in the way of the Deen. As the Prophet (saw) persisted in this struggle against them and exposed them as a people standing in the way of the truth his struggle intensified into a full blown political struggle. The Qur’an addressed each of the rulers of the Quraysh in frank clear and un-ambiguous terms.

Al Wahidi in his Asbab un Nuzul Qur’an (page 502) relates that Abu Sufyan ibn Harb (before his embracement of Islam) one of the Quraishi leaders (who was the representative of the Quraish in many treaties including with the Messenger of Allah later (saw)) held a banquet and had a feast wheren he slaughtered two sheep. An orphan came to the house and asked him for some food, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb was so vexed at this that he swore at the child and beat him over the head with a stick. Then Allah (swt) revealed concerning him Surah al-Ma’un,

“Have you seen the one who belies the Deen? That is he who repels the orphan. And urges not on the feeding of the poor. So woe unto those performers of Salah (hypocrites). Those who delay their Salah. Those who do good deeds only to be seen. And withold small kindness.” (TMQ al-Ma’un, verses 1-7)

Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) narrated that “The Prophet (saw) went out towards al-Batha and ascended the mountains and shouted out ‘O Sabaha’ so the Qurayshi people gathered around him. He (saw) said, ‘Do you see if I tell an enemy is going to attack you in the morning or in the evening, will you believe me?’ They replied, ‘Yes’. He said, ‘Then I am a plain warner unto you of a severe punishment’. Abu Lahab said, ‘is it for this that you have gathered us? Taballak (May you perish)’. Then Allah (swt) revealed,

“Perish be the power of Abu Lahab! And perish again! His wealth will not enrich him. He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames. And his wife, too, who carries wood. In her neck is a twisted rope of palm fibre”. (TMQ al-Lahab, verses 1-5) (Bukhari Vol. 6 No 496.)

The direct result of this struggle was the persecution of the Sahabah (ra). Sumayah, as stated earlier, was tortured and killed amongst other Sahabah (ra) but the Prophet (saw) did not give up and continued carrying the Da’awah and struggling against the Qurayshi authorities in defiance to them. This is another indication of the obligatory nature of this aspect i.e. the political struggle.

It was also narrated that when Hamza (ra) embraced Islam he went to Abu Jahl and warned him from reviling his nephew i.e. the Prophet (saw) and that he was one of the followers of his Deen. The Prophet (saw) addressed this when he stated in a well known Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, “The master of martyrs is Hamza and any man who stands in front of a tyrant ruler and orders him (with good i.e. the implementation of the Deen) and prohibits him (from the evil of other than the Deen) and is slain by him”. (Authenticated by Ibn Hajr al-Hathami in Majmoo’ al-Zaaid.)

Hence, the Prophet (saw) describes those Muslims who die in the struggle against tyrant rulers and the Sahabah (ra), who were killed by tyrants due to their Da’awah, not only as martyrs but as the masters of martyrs. This also gives an insight into two things, that the nature of the struggle against the rulers should be brave, frank with strength and remaining upon the truth and also that the Muslims should be prepared to die for this i.e. that it is a wajib element of the Da’awah to resume the Islamic way of life.

The attempts of the Quraysh to compromise with the Prophet (saw)

There were many attempts that were made by the Quraysh through Abu Talib the uncle of the Prophet (saw) at pliancy and compromise with the Qurayshi rulers but the Prophet (saw) rejected them all, stating that he was prepared to die carrying his Da’awah. They offered him kingship, money, women and a share in the rule. They stated that they would consult the Prophet (saw) in all matters but the he(saw) was clear in his response, “ Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, on condition that I relinquish this matter, I would not relinquish it until Allah has made it dominant or I perish therein” (Imam al-Tabari in his Tareekh Vol. 6 par. 1179). In another instance he responded to them with a political vision under his leadership although he knew they would refuse. Imam Abu Ja’far at-Tabari narrates, (Abu Talib said to the Prophet (saw)) “Nephew here are the Shaykhs and the nobles of your tribe. They have asked for justice against you that you desist in reviling their gods and they will leave you to your god’. ‘Uncle’ he (saw) said, ‘Shall I not summon them to something, which is better than their gods?’ ‘What do you summon them to?’ he asked. The Prophet (saw) replied, ‘I summon them to utter a saying through which the Arabs will submit to them and they will rule over the non-Arabs.” Abu Jahl from among the gathering then said, ‘What is it by your father? We will give you ten the like of it!’ He (saw) said ‘That you should say, la ilaha ill Allah”. They took fright and said ‘Ask for anything other than this”. (Tareekh al-Tabari Vol. 6 Par 1177.)

Hence, the Prophet (saw) was by no means a compromiser, he(saw) insisted upon only Islam being dominant, with absolutely no Kufr sharing with it, or he’d die in the attempt at this. He(saw) was working for the radical political change of the whole of the system not merely a part of the system i.e. a partial change. He(saw) was working for a radical and comprehensive change from the basis upwards in every aspect of life.He(saw) was seeking to establish the authority for Islam that would be able to carry this Deen to the rest of the world. He was seeking to remove from the authority the Kufr and its rulers. Hence, the obligatory elements of this second phase of the Da’awah were the intellectual and political struggle against the Quraysh through highlighting the corruption of Kufr and the vision of the authority of Islam. He (saw) persisted in this despite the torture, persecution and the attempts of compromise.

He (saw) was prepared to die rather than compromise any element of his Da’awah and bore the hardships in this path. All these are clear Qara’in (indications) of the obligatory element of the political and intellectual struggle.

Allah (swt) ordered the Prophet (saw):

“O you wrapped in garments, arise and warn, your Lord Magnify!” (TMQ al-Mudathir, verse 1-3)

Imam Abu Ja’far At-Tabari comments: “Allah commanded the Prophet (saw) to rise up to warn the people that Allah would punish them for ingratitude to their Rabb and their worship of the false gods and the idols to the exclusion of Him who created them and gave them their daily bread. He (saw) was also to tell them of his Lord’s bounty to himself, with the words, “Of the bounty of your Lord let your discourse be..” According to Ibn Ishaq this was his Prophethood (at-Tareekh at Tabari Vol. 6 Par 1156).

It was after this Ayah was revealed that the Prophet (saw) addressed his people to carry his Da’awah. He started to warn them to embrace Islam, accept the Tawheed (oneness) of Allah, the Khaliq (Creator) and the Malik (Sovereign) with no partners, and to accept his (saw) leadership. He did this not through challenging any of the Quraysh, nor through challenging their way of life, rather through expressing the Aqeedah to them for them to embrace it. If they did then he would culture them with Islam as the Ayaat of the Qur’an came down.

This phase of the Prophet’s (saw) Da’awah lasted for three years and he (saw) repeatedly undertook the two actions commanded although he utilised many different styles. So at times he (saw) invited people to his house, at other times he visited them. At other times he (saw) discussed with them at the markets and there are many narration’s pertaining to this. However, he (saw) repeatedly undertook two actions, inviting people to embrace Islam, and building the strong understanding and Iman in Laa ilaha ill Allah, amongst those who accepted his message.

An important point to note here is that there were no Ahkam of Salah, nor Ahkam of fasting or Sadaqah revealed at this point. The Da’awah that was given to them was not to call to a ritual rather it was to an Aqeedah. An Aqeedah that was radically going to change their view to how they should live in this Dunya. They no longer lived for the idols, they no longer acted purely for the sake of this Dunya alone, nor merely to satisfy their desires. Rather they now realised their true existence and its purpose was for the Akhirah (Hereafter) and therefore they had to live life in the manner that Allah(swt) decided for them.

Therefore, the Sahabah (ra) were prepared from day one of embracing Islam to sacrifice everything for the sake of the Deen. Bilal (ra) the Ethiopian slave was placed in the hot burning sun under a large boulder. Sumayah (ra) gave her life, as did Yaasir (ra). This was the strong and unshakable Iman they had. They also understood their responsibility as the carriers of the Deen.

To further illustrate this, the early verses of the Qur’an would always remind them of the success that Allah (swt) would grant them as well as their responsibility. It has been narrated from Ibn Mas’ud (ra) that when the Ayah,

“This is nothing but a reminder to mankind, Jinn and all that exists”(TMQ al-Qalam, verse 52) was revealed they knew then, even though they were a small handful of Muslims at that time, that Islam would come to dominate the world (Jami’u al Bayan an Ta’wil ul Qur’an by Imam at-Tabari).

In fact, when the Mushrikeen would meet the Muslims they would scorn them by jeering, saying “Here are the masters of the Earth who will defeat Chosroes (of Persia) and Caesar (of Rome)” (Raheeq ul-Makhtoom). This was, however, initially the case as the Quraysh did not see in the Muslims any real threat.

Hence the Prophet (saw) would call the people to Islam and would culture those who embraced Islam with the firm understanding, Iman in the victory in this world and felicity in the Akhirah.

The example of how Umar ibn al Khattab (ra) embraced Islam upon finding out that his sister, and her husband, were privately being cultured by Khabbab ibn Arrat (ra) and then coming across the Qur’an has been well narrated by Ibn Hisham (Vol. 1/343). As well as the private culturing of the Sahabah (ra) in the house of al-Arqam.

He (saw) persisted in these actions for three years until Allah (swt) ordered him otherwise. This is what we are obligated to emulate as part of the method to establish Islam.

Hence, the key actions in the first phase of the Da’awah are:

i) Calling people to Islam not through force but intellectual discourse.

ii) Culturing those who responded with a strong understanding of this Deen and strong Iman in order to carry the Da’awah and shoulder its responsibilities.

Therefore, from the Shari’ah rules, the Islamic political party would be obliged to undertake these tasks of carrying the intellectual call of Islam, spreading the correct concepts and illustrating the fallacy of the erroneous concepts.

It would also need to seek to build its body and its members so they become capable of withstanding the responsibilities of carrying the Da’awah of Islam with firm Iman in Allah, His Deen and the resumption of Islam.

It would need to radically change the personalities of those Muslims who were going to take up the responsibility of carrying the Islamic Da’awah to be in line with the Islamic personality. As the Prophet (saw) stated in one Hadith, “No one of you has attained Iman until his inclinations are in accordance to what I have brought (you)” (narrated by Imam al-Isfahani in Kitab al-Hujja and authenticated by Imam al-Nawawi in his Arba’een).

The Prophet (saw) established the first Islamic State in Madinah after which Abu Bakr (ra) became the Khaleefah followed by ‘Umar (ra), ‘Uthman and ‘Ali (ra). This Khilafah continued to exist throughout the next thirteen hundred years until its destruction on the 3rd of March 1924.

Hence what is required is to derive the methodology from the Islamic sources that are available which in this instance is the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) through understanding the Seerah of the Prophet (saw) from a legal perspective. Then to emulate those actions which he (saw) undertook as part of fulfilling his obligation in assuming the Islamic way of life in the practical sense.

The example of the Messenger (saw) demonstrates the only methodology of resuming the Khilafah and establishing an Islamic State, in other words changing Dar ul-Kufr to Dar ul-Islam.

Hence, a detailed understanding of how to derive the obligatory elements (Arkan) of the Methodology of the Prophet (saw) is needed. After this is clear it must be applied to our situation in determining the way to resume the Khilafah.

Emulating (Ta’asi) the actions of the Messenger of Allah (saw)

The principle of Ta’asi or emulating the actions of the Messenger (saw) has always occupied a section of the books on Usul when understanding the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw). The subject matter under discussion is how to emulate the Messenger (saw) in his behaviour and what value to give such emulation.

Allah (swt) states in the Qur’an,

 “Verily in the Messenger of Allah (saw) you have the finest example” (TMQ al-Ahzab, verse 21)

Also Allah (swt) orders the Prophet (saw) to say to the believers,

“If you do love Allah then follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive you for your sins and Allah is Ghafoor al-Raheem”. (TMQ al-e-Imran, verse 31)

Hence Muslims are obliged to emulate and follow in the footsteps of the Messenger (saw) if the forgiveness of Allah (swt) and entering into Jannah is hoped for. Therefore, it is an obligation to emulate him (saw) and imitate him. However, Muslims are required to imitate him correctly and in the manner which Allah (swt) obliges us to do so. The following is a breakdown of his (saw) actions.

Af ’aal Jibiliyyah

These would be actions which are part of the nature of the Prophet (saw). So, for example Bukhari narrates that he (saw) would go red when he got angry. Also according to Imam Tirmidhi in his Shama’il, he (saw) would walk very quickly as though he was walking down a hill. These are permitted for us to copy out of love, as they were actions of the Prophet (saw), but they carry no legislative consequences, and thus fall under the Mubah (permissible).

Af ’aal Khassah

These are actions that were specific to the Prophet (saw). So, for example his wives in the Qur’an were prohibited from remarrying after being widowed, whereas the believing women can remarry after their first husband dies or they divorce. He (saw) was also permitted to marry more than four wives whilst all Muslims are forbidden from this. He (saw) would fast day and night without stopping, but he prohibited the Muslims from doing so. Tahajjud was wajib upon him but Nafilah for all Muslims (al-Shakhsiyyat ul-Islamiyyah Vol. 3). Muslims are prohibited from following the Messenger (saw) in these matters. So one cannot pray Tahajjud as a Fard, nor can one prevent the Muslim women re-marrying after they divorce or become widows. Nor can Muslims marry more than four wives. Following the Prophet (saw) in any of these would be Haram.

Af ’aal ‘Ammah/Tashri’a

These are the rest of the actions, speech or consent of the Messenger (saw) and carry legal consequences. So for example they may explain obligations, recommendations or permission. If the action that the Prophet (saw) was undertaking came as an explanation to a previous obligation (Fard) then that matter would become Fard. Allah(swt), for example, states in many Ayaat of Qur’an to establish the Salah at regular times. The Prophet (saw) stated in a well known Hadith that is narrated by Imam Bukhari, “Pray as you see me pray”. So the fact that the Prophet (saw) repeatedly prayed in the same order (Tarteeb) and in repetition (Ta’addud) explains the previous obligation and hence is obligatory itself. Also, Allah (swt) states,

“Whosoever amongst you witnesses the month let him fast”. (TMQ al-Baqarah, verse 184)

The Prophet (saw) stated in a well known Hadith, “Fast when you see it (the moon) and stop fasting when you see it (the moon) and if it is cloudy then complete the thirty days” (Authenticated by Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in Bulugh ul-Maram). So this narration determines when to fast and when to stop fasting, thus explaining a previous order in the Qur’an and hence following the same rule i.e. the Fard of sighting the Hilal or the completion of the thirty days in order to begin fasting or end it.

Another example to illustrate this point is when Allah (swt) states in the Qur’an,

“The female and the male thief cut of their hands”. (TMQ al-Ma’idah, verse 38)

It has also been narrated from ‘A’isha (ra) in a Marfoo’ narration in Imam Muslims Jami’u us-Sahih that the Prophet (saw) said, “There is no cutting except in one quarter of the Dinar”. Hence this comes as an explanation of the initial rule.

Similarly, in the Da’awah the methodology was Fard on the Prophet (saw) and he was obliged to establish this Deen. This can be seen from the fact that he (saw) was prepared to give up his own life for it. He (saw) stated to his Uncle concerning the Mushrikeen, “By Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, on condition that I relinquish this matter, I would not relinquish it until Allah has made it dominant or I perish therein” (Imam Tabari in his Tareekh Vol. 6 par. 1179).

Hence the actions and statements which can be seen to be explaining this methodology would be deemed as obligatory elements of the methodology of resuming the Islamic way of life.

Qurbah (drawing near to Allah (swt))

Gaining the pleasure of Allah (swt) and getting closer to Allah (swt) is the purpose of the believer and the fundamental premise of all of his actions. Hence those actions which earn Allah (swt)’s pleasure and if omitted can lead to punishment are deemed as Fard. However, those which bring a Muslim closer to Allah (swt) but if omitted do not carry a threat of punishment are deemed as recommended or preferable acts, Mandoub. If the actions of the Messenger (saw) indicate getting closer to Allah (Taqarrub il Allah) then they are also recommended. So for example the Dhikr and Du’aa gain Allah’s (swt) favour and are thus Mandoub. So, for example, it has been narrated from the Shama’il al-Tirmidhi that the Prophet (saw) used to commence eating with Tasmiyah (saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem) this would serve as a reminder of Allah (swt) and would mean showing thankfulness and hence would be recommended.

Mubah (permissible)

As for actions which carry no indication of Qurbah or threat of punishment and reward, they would merely be Mubah (permitted) and Muslims would engage in them if they so wished. For example, he (saw) used scribes to preserve the Qur’an on date palm leaves. This style of preservation carries no reward or punishment hence it is Mubah. Other means such as CD’s and Printing are similarly Mubah.

The relevance of this for the topic at hand is that one is able to distinguish those actions which he (saw) did as styles that weren’t obligatory, from the obligatory (Fard or Wajib) actions, which he (saw) undertook as Fard and part of his methodology.

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