It's been over seven months, with 45,000+ civilians killed in P41estine the majority of whom are women and children. Similarly with Muslims worldwide (Burma, Kashmir, Uygurs in East Turkestan etc..), and the silence of "Muslim" rulers is deafening. The only solution is for Muslims to mobilize their armies and unite under a single umbrella of Khilafah, which is the promise of Allah SWT. If you are in a position of power, please raise your voice. If you can't do much, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society or any other charity organisations which you truly trust, JazakAllah khairan.

10.2.1 Money Talks

With the legal world being so full of technical jargon, loopholes in the law and ‘old boy networks’, your chances of successfully presenting your claims on your own are practically zero. Thus, you need a barrister or solicitor to act on your behalf. But, to your expense, to attain the services of one will cost you money...a lot of money. And the more money you have to spend, the better the lawyer you can buy.

So what if you don’t have more money to spare, and the criminal who robbed your house has used all the earnings from his illicit endeavours to buy the best that the legal profession has to offer? In this industry you will learn very quickly that the evidence in a case is not the deciding factor of the verdict, but it is only one of a variety of the tools that the lawyer makes use of in achieving the outcome he has been paid to produce. It seems that justice does not figure highly on his list of priorities! The bottom line is this. In the quest for getting your legitimate talks!

With regards to the question of deciding the verdict in your case, this is left up to twelve randomly selected members of the general public - the jury. The evidence is presented to them (eloquently or not depending on how much your lawyer cost), and they weigh it up according to their own opinions. But consider these points:

  1. If you came across 12 people in the street, how many of them would you trust? After all, the jury members themselves may be criminals, racist, sexist, liars, cheats...
  2. The jury probably know nothing about the details of legal process, the science of forensics or the intricacies of police procedures. Yet they have to judge the evidence according to these bases!

All in all, given some of these facts about the British judicial system, is it any surprise that you don’t have confidence in it?

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