It's been over seven months, with 45,000+ civilians killed in P41estine the majority of whom are women and children. Similarly with Muslims worldwide (Burma, Kashmir, Uygurs in East Turkestan etc..), and the silence of "Muslim" rulers is deafening. The only solution is for Muslims to mobilize their armies and unite under a single umbrella of Khilafah, which is the promise of Allah SWT. If you are in a position of power, please raise your voice. If you can't do much, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society or any other charity organisations which you truly trust, JazakAllah khairan.

Method to Re-establish the State

Method to Re-establish the State (27)

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A widespread concept that is passed to the Islamic Ummah is the concept of the Tadarruj or ‘Gradualism’. This ‘methodology’ follows the logic that Islam is a Deen that is massive and it is impossible to radically implement Islam. Therefore one must seek to gradually implement the Shari’ah rules and this will take place over a long period of time gradually bringing Islam back to the life of the Muslims. This process would normally occur through sharing power with the existing government and through working within the system.

After which certain arguments are brought as a justification for this view such as ‘the revelation of the Qur’an was in stages and as problems arose the Qur’an addressed them in that manner’. The fact that Allah (swt) prohibited alcohol in three stages is quoted as an example of this gradualism.

A further argument is brought in by principles such as, ‘That which cannot be completely attained should not be completely left’. Hence, it would be argued, some Islam is not as bad as no Islam, thus a gradual approach is acceptable.

It is important that the Islamic Ummah realises that none of these are legal (Shari’i) arguments in Islam and that this concept is not only invalid but contradicts definitive evidences in Islam. The first point to bear in mind is that the concept that Islam is impossible to implement would mean that Allah (swt) had sent an impractical Deen! This is in contradiction to the belief that Islam is the only practical Deen for mankind which Allah (swt), the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, had perfected. Allah (swt) states in the Qur’an,

“Allah does not place a burden upon a person except that which he is capable of.” (TMQ al-Baqarah, verse 282)

So Allah (swt) states that He would not place upon the Ummah an obligation that she couldn’t achieve and was impossible for her, so the resumption of Islam is a possibility and a responsibility.

The idea that it is impossible to establish Islam radically is at the heart of this pragmatic and supposedly practical argument. This is not only in contradiction with Islam but is a flawed view of the reality of political change. It was a radical change, which the Prophet (saw) brought about 1300 years ago. It was also a radical change that brought the corrupt doctrine of Communism and also a radical change which a brought about Capitalism in Russia in the early 90’s to replace Communism, and if this is the case with the false Aqeedah and system then how can it be impractical for the correct Aqeedah. So the concept of the Islamic Revival being impractical is a false notion and reflects a defeatist outlook to the Ummah and towards Islam itself.

As for the claim that the Qur’an was revealed gradually and therefore can be implemented gradually, this is a statement that is in contradiction with the Qur’an and how it was revealed. Firstly the Qur’an was revealed according to the problems, questions, debates and political scenarios that occurred. This in Islam forms a branch of Ulum ul-Qur’an (Sciences of the Qur’an) known as the Asbab un-Nuzul (The causes of revelation).

As an example for this, the following is an incident that Bukhari has narrated (Vol. 6 No 109): ‘Urwa narrated that Az-Zubayr quarrelled with a man from the Ansar because of a natural mountainous stream at Al-Harra. The Prophet (saw) said, “O Zubayr, irrigate (your land) and then let the water flow to your neighbour. The Ansari said, “O Allah’s Messenger (saw) he is your cousin.” At that the Prophet’s face became red (with anger) and he said, “O Zubayr irrigate (your land) and then withhold the water till it flows up to your wall and then let it flow to your neighbour”. So the Prophet (saw) enabled Az-Zubayr to take his full right after the Ansari provoked his anger. The Prophet (saw) had previously given an order that was in favour of both of them. Regarding this Az-Zubayr said, “I think that this verse was revealed in this connection,

“But no, (I swear) by your Lord! They have no Iman until they make you (O Prophet) the judge in all their disputes and then they find no resentment in their souls regarding your judgement and they utterly submit to it” (TMQ al-Nisa’a, verse 65)

Hence, any time a legal problem arose that required a Hukm the Qur’an addressed it. There are narrations wherein the Sahabah (ra) approached the Prophet (saw) and he kept silent until Allah(swt) revealed the Hukm on the issue. An example of this is what has been narrated by al-Bukhari. Jabir (ra) narrates that “the Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr (ra) came on foot to pay me a visit (during my illness) at Banu Salama’s (dwellings). The Prophet (saw) found me unconscious, so he asked for water and performed the ablution from it and sprinkled some water over me. I came to my senses and said to the Prophet (saw): ‘O Messenger of Allah! What do you order me to do regarding my wealth?’ Then the narration states that he was silent until the verses concerning inheritance were revealed. (al-Bukhari Vol. 6 No. 101).

So all judgments and rules that took place were always addressed by Islam and as soon as the Hukm was revealed it was implemented immediately. There were no instances of gradualism in implementing any of the divine rules. It is clear that there was no case where the Messenger (saw) ignored the Hukm of Allah(swt) and delayed its implementation, this would be tantamount to accusing the Messenger (saw) of ruling by other than that which Allah(swt) had revealed, which is Kufr.

The ruling by Islam and the prohibition of ruling by Kufr whatsoever are matters that are known definitively from Islam and are not open to interpretation. Hence, gradual implementation in authority, or in sharing authority, would not be allowed under any shape or form.

Allah (swt) has stated in the Qur’an,

“Whosoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed then such are the disbelievers” (TMQ 5:44).

Ibn Kathir in his Tafseer of this verse states the views of Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) and many of the other Mufasireen that anybody who does not believe in the validity of the Shari’ah or even one rule of the Shari’ah that is known by Islam is a Kafir, and the ruler who rules by other than Islam and believes it acceptable is a Kafir, however the one who rules by Kufr acknowledging that he is doing so commits Kufr that is less than Kufr i.e. a major sin. (Ibn Kathir ‘Tafseeru Qur’an Al Atheem’ Vol. 2 pages 60-66). Hence the way of gradualism and power sharing is not permitted and is clearly not the method of Islam to create political change.

So it should be clear that any attempt at utilising the democratic structures that currently exist either through holding ministerial posts in governments that rule by Kufr would be prohibited. As would supporting Kufr political parties in their application of Kufr systems in the Islamic lands, in order to achieve some influence in the political decision making process. Similarly putting forth bills that attempt to apply some aspects of the Shari’ah rules and then voting on them would definitely be prohibited as this would be making the decision of man sovereign over the Hukm of Allah and this is something that is in complete contradiction with the Islamic Aqeedah.

So such ideas must be shunned and it should be realised that they are only barriers to the Islamic Ummah changing her situation and re-establlishing the Khilafah.

“But no, (I swear) by your Lord! They have no Iman until they make you (O Prophet) the judge in all their disputes and then they find no resentment in their souls regarding your judgement and they utterly submit to it” (TMQ al-Nisa’a, verse 65)

The Invalid Methods

Before the method based upon a correct Ijtihad in working to re-establish the Khilfah is discussed, it is important to highlight the false methods that exist today that are carried by some Muslims. Those methods that are not based upon a correct Ijtihad include gradualism, whilst those that are based upon a semblance of evidence (Shubhat Daleel) include fighting the present leaders. Through this, one will see that there is a pressing need to illustrate the correct method.

In order to arrive at the methodology to re-establish the Khilafah Ijtihad is required since this issue is a unique reality that is not comparable to any situation that the Muslim Ummah has come across in the past. This is because for thirteen centuries she lived in the shade of the Khilafah and under the authority of Islam. It is a unique situation that requires us to derive the Hukm Shari’i for this problem, from the Qur’an and Sunnah through a detailed process of Ijtihad. This should detail the steps to the re-establishment of the Khilafah, and thereby practically address the Vital Issue that Islam defined.

Hence what is required is to have detailed understanding of this Ijtihad like any other. For example, Salah is definitely Fard but the details of Salah are derived via Ijtihad. However it is still required to have a detailed understanding of its rules otherwise it would be impossible to know how to undertake the actions that are prerequisites for and components of Salah such as Wudu, Niyyah, Ruku and so on. Similarly it is required to have a detailed understanding of the method to re-establish the Khilafah otherwise one would not know Allah’s (swt) Hukm on the matter, and as a consequence one would be unable to resume the Islamic way of life, by giving the Bay’ah to a Khaleefah to rule the Muslims according to Islam.

Likewise, if a Muslim was unaware of the rules of fasting he would be unable to fast properly. If he did not know the detailed rules of Zakah it would be impossible for him to implement this obligation. In the same manner, he would not be fulfilling Allah’s (swt) command to re-establish the Khilafah unless he had derived the Hukm Shari’i connected to it. Vague statements, rhetoric, and slogans of just following Qur’an and Sunnah without understanding would never be enough.

Such vagueness is widespread. However, a recent occurrence is that the Islamic Ummah is becoming more able at seeing through it. For example, take the idea that the way for revival is via Jihad on the internet as that is where the power lies! This is not only a confused view of the world and how it works but also an extremely dangerous conception of the key Islamic concept of Jihad. In actual fact, Jihad is the method to remove the physical barriers, such as the states and militaries, in the process of calling people to Islam. Jihad is not the Hukm Shari’i connected to the re-establishment of the Khilafah, and is definitely not fought exclusively over the internet, but in real life.

A further example to illustrate this point would be regarding cursory glances at one or two ayaat of the Qur’an and then building all arguments on this extremely selective foundation. This is done with the often mis-quoted verse of Allah (swt),

“Verily Allah will not change the circumstances of a people until they change that which is within themselves” (TMQ al-Ra’d, verse 11)

Subsequently it is argued that the situation of the Ummah will only change when Muslims start to rectify themselves individually, disconnected to the political reality.

This argument is flawed on many accounts. Firstly, the actual understanding of the Ayah is incorrect. Allah (swt) is describing the situation of a nation (Qawm) and if the nation sticks to the correct path then it will remain in His favour, if it abandons this then it will fall into disarray at which point the only way to rectify the nation again would be by returning fundamentally to the correct foundation and Millah (way) that it was upon, and that would be a radical transformation including every single aspect. The subject matter is clearly the nation and not the individual as the Ayah remains in the plural form throughout. The Mufassireen emphasised the rulers as they represent what the society is upon and hence the rectification of the rulers and the political change would be a major aspect. Indeed, it has been narrated, “The people are upon the Deen of their rulers”. This interpretation is given by Imam Qurtubi in his Tafseer of the Qur’an Jam’iu Ahkam ul-Qur’an.

Secondly, this Ayah does not establish Hukm Shari’i connected to how to re-establish the Khilafah. Therefore to build actions upon it alone would be Haram. What would be required is an understanding of this Ayah, but also other Hukm Shari’i derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah regarding how to initiate political change. Then action would be mandatory.

Other instances which are also common are where evidences connected to other aspects of Islam are used in the discussion of how to change the Ummah. Whilst it is known that the Dhikr and Du’aa are important for the Muslims in order to remind them of Allah (swt) and are a form of spiritual strength and ammunition to the believers, they are not the Hukm Shari’i connected to creating political change. If any human problem were studied, such as the matter of economics one would need to look at the relevant evidences connected to economic matters e.g. nature of properties, nature of lands, types of companies etc. If the problem at hand was a social problem connected to the relationship between men and women one would look at the relevant texts concerning the issue e.g. the Hadith of Khalwah, the permitted and prohibited instances of mixing, the concept of Mahram etc.

Similarly, when discussing the Islamic perspective upon creating political change it would be necessary to look at the relevant evidences connected to the subject i.e. political change. Hence one would find the Prophet (saw) himself spoke of how he (saw) and his Sahabah (ra) engaged in the struggle when he stated in a well known Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud,

“The master of martyrs is Hamza and any man who stands in front of a tyrant ruler and orders him (with good i.e. the implementation of the Deen) and prohibits him (from the evil of other than the Deen) and is slain by him”. (Authenticated by Ibn Hajr al-Hathami in Majmoo’ al-Zaaid)

So a detailed study of the relevant evidences and a derivation of the methodology suited to the current situation is required in order to practically resume the Islamic Way of life.

As we know the mind is not the source of the Shari’ah rather making it such would be a complete negation of the Shari’ah. Ijtihad is not using the intellect to derive rules, rather Ijtihad is focussing the usage of the intellect around two fundamental roles, understanding the reality of the subject matter at hand so as to fully comprehend the nature of the issue at hand, and in understanding the Islamic texts that are connected to the issue.

So in order to establish the Islamic method of establishing the Khilafah we are required to study the Islamic evidences and extract the rule. Imam Shafi’i stated in his renowned work Ar Risala page 75: “No one should give an opinion upon a specific issue by merely stating that it is permitted or prohibited, unless he has sure knowledge, and this knowledge is based on the Qur’an or the Sunnah or derived from Ijma’a or through Qiyas.”

He went on to say on page 288 paragraph 493: “On alll matters touching the (life of a) Muslim there is either a binding decision or an indication as to the right answer. if there is a binding decision then it should be followed. If there is no indication then it is sought by Ijtihad.”

Hence for every single human action there is a Hukm Shari and for every Hukm Shari there is Daleel from the Wahi (revelation), and so the Ahkam Shari’ah (divine rules) are derived from the detailed evidences via the process of Ijtihad.

Allah (swt) states in Surah al-Ma’idah,

“This day I have perfected for you your Deen and completed my favour upon you and have chosen Islam as your Deen.” (TMQ al-Ma’idah, verse 4)

Imam Suyuti mentions that all the Ahkam of Islam were revealed and so in that sense the Deen had become completed at this point (Al Itqan fe ‘Ulum ul Qur’an quoted by Sabuni in his Tibyan fee ‘Ulum ul Qur’an p18-19). Hence we have been given a perfected and completed Deen where no human problem has not been addressed in the form of Ahkam Shari’ah i.e. rules that Allah (swt) has laid down for the Muslims in order to live their lives. Hence the Shari’ah rules are the sole reference point of the believers in all that they do, including the methodology of establishing the Khilafah

Allah (swt) states in the Qur’an,

“Whatever the Messenger (saw) gives you take it and whatever he forbids you leave it, fear Allah for verily Allah is most stern in His punishment.” (TMQ al-Hashr, verse 7)

So we can only adopt from the revelation of the Qur’an and the Sunnah and what indicates it, namely the Ijma’a of the Sahabah (ra) or what it points to, that is Qiyas (Analogy). Similarly we are prevented from adopting any rule or law from other than these sources in all of the affairs of life.

The Prophet (saw) stated,“Whosoever enacts an action not established upon our affair will have it rejected” (Narrated by ‘A’ishah (ra) in the Jami’u us Sahih of Imam Muslim)

So we are required to restrict ourselves to the Ahkam Shari’ah in all of our actions irrespective of whether in determining an obligation e.g. prayer, the appointing of a Khaleefah, fasting in Ramadhan etc., a prohibition e.g. Zina, lying, the prohibition of ruling by Kufr etc., a permission e.g. eating and drinking, utilising technology, experimentation in natural sciences etc. or any other classification of Shari’ah rule such as the favourable (Mandoub) or disliked (Makruh). All of these would require evidence from the Qur’an or the Sunnah to determine the view of Islam and Hukm of Allah on any issue.

Hence after having determined that the resumption of the Islamic way of life by establishing the Khilafah is the vital issue that faces the Ummah we are required to look to Islam to determine the actions that we are required to undertake in order to re-establish the Khilafah, thereby bringing Islam back to the affairs of life.

So we must realise that for every human action there is a Hukm Shari’i, i.e. divine rule. For every Hukm Shari’i there is an evidence from the Qur’an and the Sunnah or the Ijma’a of the Sahabah or indicated through Qiyas based upon the texts.

Ahkam Shari’ah deduced from the Daleel (evidences) that are definite

When scrutinising the Qur’an and the Sunnah we would find that there are certain rules whose evidence is indisputable and there is no room for Ijtihad. They are found in the verses of Qur’an whose meaning is Qat’i (definitive) and those Ahadith of the Prophet (saw) which are indisputably known to be from the Prophet (saw) (Mutawatir) and whose meanings are also Qat’i. These are Qat’i evidences which can only be understood in one manner and the rejection of which would lead a person to Kufr. For example, matters of Aqeedah such as the belief in Jannah (Paradise) and Jahannam (Hellfire), and the belief in the Day of Judgement are indisputable and are definitive parts of the Deen that we must believe in.

Similarly certain Ahkam Shari’ah are definitive and indisputable, and the rejection of these would be Kufr (disbelief).

For example the Qur’an and Sunnah contain numerous evidences concerning the obligation of the establishment of the regular Salah (prayer). The rejection of this obligation would be Kufr. An example of a Daleel for this would be when Allah (swt) said in Surah al-Mu’minun,

 “Verily the believers have attained the Success (in the hereafter), those who guard there prayers.” (TMQ al-Mu’minun, verses 1-2)

Also the Hadith of the Prophet (saw) as narrated authentically in the Musnad of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal:

“The covenant between myself and yourself is the Salah whoever abandons prayer commits an action of disbelief”

Hence the Hukm Shari’i is definitive on the obligation (Fard) of Salah.

Another example of a definite rule would be the prohibition of Riba (usury/interest) that has been established without any room for misunderstanding in the Qur’an when Allah (swt) said:

“And Allah has permitted trade but forbidden usury.” (TMQ al-Baqarah, verse 275)

This amongst other evidences are clear and definitive in their import and can only mean the prohibition (Tahreem) of interest dealings in their totality, whether this occurred through personal banking, the taking of IMF loans or the supporting of the IMF through donations.

Other examples of Ahkam that are indisputable are matters such as the obligation of fasting in the month of Ramadhan, the prohibition of Kuffar having authority in the Islamic lands such as al-Quds, the obligation of restoring the rule of Allah and the obligation of Jihad. All of these Ahkam are indisputable since they have Daleel that are definitive.

There is no room in these matters for any differences of opinions or divergences of views.

Ahkam Shari’ah deduced from Daleel that are indefinite

Ahkam Shari’ah are also derived from evidences where there is room for interpretation regarding meanings, connection with the problem at hand and validity. This is where we are required to scrutinise the evidences further, since Allah (swt) orders the Muslims,

“Then if you dispute in a matter return it to Allah and His Messenger (saw)” (TMQ al-Nisa’a, verse 59)

Hence, in matters where the Daleel (evidence) is interpretable in more than one manner the utmost must be done in understanding the relevant evidences and weighing them up in light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah i.e. weighing up all the related evidences pertaining to the matter under discussion.

This process is known as Ijtihad. The Prophet (saw) guided the Sahabah to make Ijtihad as the methodology to extract the Ahkam Shari’ah from their Daleel. It has been narrated that when the Prophet (saw) sent Mu’adh and Abu Musa Al-Ashari to Yemen, he (saw) said, ‘What are you going to rule by?’ They said, ‘If we don’t find the rule in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, we will compare a case to another and whatever is closer to the Haqq, we will act upon it.” This analogy made by the Sahabah (ra) and approved by the Prophet (saw) described the process of Ijtihad in deriving rules. Also, it was narrated about him (saw) that, “When he sent Mu’adh as a governor to Yemen, he (saw) said to him, ‘What are you going to rule by?’ Mu’adh said, ‘By the Qur’an of Allah.’ The Prophet (saaw) then asked, ‘If you don’t find (the rule)?’ He said, ‘By the Sunnah of the Messenger (saw) of Allah.’ The Prophet (saw) said, ‘If you don’t find (the rule)?’ Mu’adh said, ‘I exert my utmost and give my opinion.’ The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Alhamdu Lillah (Praise be to Allah) that He led the Messenger of Allah to that which Allah and His Messenger like.” This Hadeeth clearly permits Mu’adh to perform Ijtihad. Moreover, knowing the Hukm Shari’ (divine rule) is inexorably linked with Ijtihad to the extent that it is not possible to know the rules without it.

The Prophet (saw) said in one Hadeeth, “When the judge makes Ijtihad and he errs he gets one reward and if he hits the mark he gets two rewards” (Sahih al-Bukhari with a similar narration in Sahih Muslim)

So when the Mujtahid performs Ijtihad in order to extract a divine rule and exerts his utmost in understanding the evidences he will be rewarded whether he is correct or not. Hence in these areas it is natural for there to be differences of opinion as long as these different opinions are extracted by qualified Mujtahideen having exerted themselves in understanding the relevant evidences.

The following is an example to illustrate this point:

In a well known Hadith the Prophet (saw) is narrated to have stated, “There is no prayer (Laa Salaat) for the one who does recite the Fatiha of the Kitab in every single rakaa’a. “

The jurists have differed in their understanding in the purport of this narration. Some have stated that the Prophet (saw) negated the validity of Salah (Sihhatus Salah), prayer without reciting Surah Fatiha and therefore it necessary to read it in every single prayer including behind the Imam. As this is the obvious meaning of the text and can not be understood in any other manner except with another Daleel. This understanding has been attributed to Imam Shafi’i.

Others have said that the expression laa salaat meaning ‘no prayer’ is not a negation of validity (Sihhah) but rather a negation of perfection (Kamala) as in the hadeeth authenticated by Imam Nawawi in his Arbaeen, “Laa yuminoo.....”, “Not one of you has attained Iman until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” Therefore the following of the Imam takes precedence over the reciting the Fatiha and therefore should not be done behind the Imam but only recited when prayer by ones self. This opinion has been attributed to Imam Abu Hanifah.

A third view exists and this view has been attributed to Imam Malik, which is that when behind the Imam one should only recite the Fatiha in the raka’aat that the Imam is silent, but not recited when the Imam recites aloud i.e. the first two Raka’aat of Maghrib, Isha and Salatul Fajr.

This example should illustrate how Ijtihad is actually based upon the Qur’an and Sunnah and does not merely mean using the mind to derive a rule.

Similarly we are required to scrutinise the ideas that are put forward as methodologies and whether they are actually the relevant Islamic evidences or whether they are Ijtihadaat.

“Whosoever interprets the Qur’an without knowledge, let him seek his abode in the fire”.

The mind is not a source of legislation

Since the destruction of the Khilafah and the decline of the Muslims the Ummah has been subjected to host of alien thoughts that have been implanted in the Muslims under the guise Islam. Of the most dangerous of these concepts is the idea that mans intellect is a source of legislation either explicitly or implicitly through concepts such as benefit as a criteria to judge the Hukm (rule) of Allah.

This has become propagated to the Muslim Ummah and has been adopted by some within her. We should know that the Hukm Shari is defined as the Address (Khitaab) of the Legislator concerning actions of the servant. In other words for every Islamic rule we require an address (Khitaab) from Allah and this would be demonstrated from the revelation and the mind of man is not a receiver of revelation. Hence we need to go to what has been confirmed as revelation i.e. the Kitab of Allah, the Sunnah of his Messenger (saw) and those things which indicate revelation i.e. Ijma’a as Sahabah (ra) or through Qiyas with an Illah (divine reason) in the text.

It should be made clear that the Hukm of Allah can not be determined or judged through the limited mind of man. Indeed the role of the Shari’ah is to remove man from his own bias and whims to the justice and mercy of Allah. It would not be allowed to use the mind to derive a rule as the intellect is not a source of revelation and therefore it is not a source of divine rules. The Prophet (saw) was reported in a Hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidhi as saying, “Whosoever interprets the Qur’an according to his opinion, let him seek his abode in the fire”, and in another narration, “Whosoever interprets the Qur’an without knowledge, let him seek his abode in the fire”. Furthermore, it is narrated by Abu Dawud and by Tirmidhi that the Prophet (saw) has said, “Whosoever interprets the Qur’an according to his opinion, even if he get’s it right, he has indeed committed a sin”.

The Hukm of Allah (swt) is not judged by the intellect, as the right of legislation is solely for Allah (swt) alone. The mind cannot judge the rules of Allah (swt) that govern our life, nor His (swt) direction on how to establish His (swt) Deen, this is beyond the limits of the mind and is a sin.

Imam Shatibi mentions in his book al Muwafaqat fee Usul il Ahkam (Vol.2, page 25), “The objective behind the Shari’ah is to liberate the individuals from his desires in order to be a true Abd (slave) of Allah and that is the legitimate Maslaha.” He further went on to say, “Violating the Shari’ah under the pretext of following the basic objectives or values (Maqasid al-Shari’ah) is like the one who cares about the spirit without the body and since the body without the spirit is useless therefore the spirit without the body is useless too.”

So we are required when deriving the Islamic methodology for establishing the Khilafah, to realise that these would form part of the Ahkam Shari’ah and therefore we would have to derive them from the Wahi i.e. the Islamic evidences. This is done through a process of Ijtihad.

As this is a new matter that has never faced the Muslims before in their history. The Muslims have never been in a situation wherein the Khilafah has been destroyed and replaced by the systems of Kufr. Therefore this requires Ijtihad as we can not follow an Ijtihad or set of Ahkam that the scholars of the past have handed down to us as none of them ever faced this issue and therefore never delivered the Hukm of Allah pertaining to the current status quo.

Therefore we are required to understand what actually is Ijtihad and what are its limitations and restrictions and also the nature of the various different ideas that are and have been presented as methodologies in the quest for the re-establishment of the Khilafah.

It is necessary that any political movement or any Muslim working to re-establish the Khilafah has a clear insight into the nature of the Islamic system. The following is from the book Nidhaam ul-Hukm fil Islam, the Ruling System in Islam by Taqiuddin an-Nabhani (may Allah have mercy on him), which details the ruling system. The extract elaborates the structure of the State.

The framework of the ruling system in Islam

The Islamic ruling system is distinct from all other existing ruling systems in the world. It is different in the basis on which it is built, different in its principles and concepts, different in its criteria and laws by which it governs and looks after the affairs, different in its constitution and implementation and execution of laws, and in the way the state is represented which distinguishes it from all other systems in the world.

The framework of the Islamic ruling system is not monarchical

It does not approve of the monarchical form of government nor does it have anything in common with it. The monarchical system of government adopts a hereditary rule. The sons inherit the throne from their fathers, and they inherit their legacies. Whereas in Islam, there is no hereditary rule, the rule is performed by whom the Ummah gives her pledge of allegiance willingly and selectively.

The monarchical system allows the monarch special privileges and rights exclusively to him, he is above the law and he is answerable to none, he is the symbol of the country, either a monarch without ruling powers like the monarchs of Europe, or a monarch who rules and even becomes the source of the rules, running the land and the people as he wishes, like the kings of Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Jordan.

The Islamic system however, does not allow the Khaleefah or the Imam any special privileges or rights, he has the same rights and duties of every single individual of the Ummah, he is not the symbol of the Ummah who holds an honorary position without any ruling powers, nor is he a symbol that rules and runs the country and people’s affairs as he pleases. He is a trustee (representative) of the Ummah in rule and in authority, the Ummah selects him and gives him the pledge of allegiance of her own choice to implement on her Allah’s Shari’ah. He is guided and restricted in his actions, ways of looking after the affairs of the Ummah and her interests by the Shari’ah. Besides there is no hereditary monarchy in Islam, it even abhors hereditary rule and forbids that the rule be taken by legacy. The rule is assumed by the Khaleefah only when the Ummah, willingly, gives him the pledge of allegiance.

The framework of the Islamic ruling system is not republican

The Islamic ruling system is not republican either. The republican system is based on the democratic regime, where the supremacy is to the people. The people have the right to rule and legislate, they reserve the right to appoint the ruler and depose him. They reserve the right to adopt a constitution and enact new laws, to abolish, alter or modify the rules. Whereas the Islamic ruling system is based on the Islamic Aqeeda and on the Shari’ah laws. The supremacy is to the Shari’ah of Allah and not to people (Ummah), the Ummah has not the right to legislate, nor does the Khaleefah. The sole legislator is Allah (swt), the Khaleefah has only the right to adopt the rules for the constitution, and the laws that are derived from the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of His messenger. The Ummah does not have the right to remove the Khaleefah; what removes him is the Shari’ah; however the Ummah has the right to appoint him. For Islam has that the authority belongs to her and the rule belongs to her as well, so she is represented by a Khaleefah whom she selects and give the Bay’ah.

In the presidential framework of the republican system, the president of the republic takes up the mandatory powers of the head of state and the prime minister, he does not have in his cabinet a prime minister, but secretaries of state, like in the US. In the parliamentary framework, the president has a prime minister, and the mandatory ruling powers are in the hands of the ministerial cabinet not the president of the republic like in France and Germany.

In the Khilafah there are no ministers, nor a council of ministers working with the Khaleefah like in the democratic system, where ministers have special portfolios and mandatory powers of their own. The Khaleefah has assistants who work with him and assist him with the executive duties. The Khaleefah heads them in his capacity as the head of state and not prime minister, nor as a head of an executive body. The Khaleefah has no council of ministers working with him, he has all the mandatory powers; his assistants help him to execute those mandatory powers.

Besides the republican system, in both its framework, presidential and parliamentary, the president is responsible and accountable to his people, and his representatives (deputies, M.P.s, congressmen). The people and their representatives have the right to remove the president for the supremacy in the republican system belongs to the people.

The is contrary to the Imara of the believers, verily the Amir of the believers, even if he is responsible before the Ummah and her representatives and even if he is accountable to the Ummah and her representatives, the Ummah has no right to remove him, and thus their representatives have no right to remove him either. He is removed only if violates the Shari’ah in a way which the Court of Unjust Acts deems that it deserves his removal.

In the republican system, whether it is presidential or parliamentary, the term of the presidency is fixed and cannot be exceeded.

Whereas the Khilafah system does not determine the Khaleefah’s term of office, it is determined by the implementation of Shari’ah, for as long as the Khaleefah is implementing the Islamic rules to the full, the rules that are derived from the Book of Allah, and the Sunnah of his Messenger, he remains a Khaleefah in office, regardless of how long his Khilafah term lasts. If the Khaleefah violated the Shari’ah, and deviated from implementing the Islamic rules his term in office would be terminated even if it were for one month, or one day. He must be removed.

We conclude therefore that the differences between the Khilafah system and the republican one are wide, so is the difference between the Khaleefah and the president of a republic. It is therefore forbidden to claim that the Islamic system is a republican system, for there exists a big contradiction between the bases on which the two systems are founded. In addition to the difference in the framework and other institutions.

The framework of the Islamic ruling system is not imperial

It is neither imperial, since the imperial system of government is far from the Islamic one. Despite the differences of race, the regions ruled by Islam, although governed by a single administration - in (central office) - they are not ruled by an imperial system. The Imperial system does not treat the races equally in the various regions of the empire. The empires central region has always some privileges, in the rule, finance and economy. The Islamic way of ruling is to equate between all the subjects in all the regions of the state. Islam grants non-muslims who hold citizenship, the full rights that the Muslims have, they enjoy also the same privileges furthermore, every single citizen regardless of his or her creed enjoys better rights than in any other system, even better than a Muslim living abroad and holding no citizenship. With this equity, the Islamic system differs completely from the Imperial one. The Islamic system does not make the regions under its rule colonies, nor areas of exploitation, nor sources of wealth pouring into the central region alone, but rules and treats all regions the same, for Islam considers all regions to be one single entity, no matter how far apart they were, and no matter how many different races there are. Every single region is considered to be part of the state and its citizens enjoy the same rights as those in the central region. Islam makes the ruling authority, the system and its legislation the same in all the regions.

The ruling system in Islam is not a federal one

The ruling system in Islam is not federal. Its regions have autonomy over their own affairs and enjoy some kind of self rule, but unite in the general rule, a system of unity, where Marrakesh in the West is considered to be the same as Khurasan in the East, the province of Al-Fawwoum would be the same of Cairo if it were the Islamic capital. The financing and the budget is one and the same for all the regions. Money is spent equally on the affairs of the subjects, regardless of the Wilayah. If for instance, the taxes collected in one Wilayah were double its expenditure, the money spent will be to cover the Wilayah’s needs but not according to how much tax it raised. If another Wilayah’s taxes fell short of its expenditure, this would not be considered, but dismissed and money will be spent to satisfy the Wilayah’s needs from the general budget whether it raised enough taxes or not.

Therefore the ruling system is unitary not a federation. That is why the Islamic ruling system is distinguished from other known systems, in origins and its bases, even if some aspects were similar to other systems. In light of what we listed so far, we conclude that the Islamic system is central in its rule, where the high authority is at head office, and where the authority and hegemony engulfs every single part of the state no matter how remote. Independence of any part of it is not allowed, ensuring that the state does not disintegrate. The high authority, is the body which appoints the army commanders, the Walis, rulers and finance and economy officials. It appoints judges in all the regions and the ones whose duties are to rule; it is the initiator of all the rules all over the country.

The ruling system in Islam is a Khilafah system, the general Ijma’a about the unity of the Khilafah has been established so has the unity of the state, and the unlawfulness of giving the Bay’ah to more than one Khaleefah. All the Imams, jurists and Scholars have agreed on this. If another Khaleefah is given the pledge, while a Khaleefah is in office or a Khaleefah had already been given a pledge, the second one should be fought until he himself gives the pledge of allegiance to the first Khaleefah or be killed, for the pledge has been lawfully confirmed to be the right of the one who is properly given it first.

The Vision of the Khilafah

The mandatory powers of the Khaleefah:-

The Khaleefah is the state. He possesses full mandatory powers given to the state and they are:-

A - It is he who makes the divine laws that he adopts binding. They would then become laws that have to be obeyed and their violation would be forbidden.

B - He is responsible about the internal and foreign policies of the state; he is the high commander in chief of all the armed forces and he has full powers to declare war, hold peace treaties, truces and all other treaties.

C - He has the powers to accept (foreign) ambassador’s and to refuse them, as well as the power to appoint Muslim ambassadors and to remove them.

D - It is the Khaleefah who appoints and removes the assistants and Walis; they are all responsible before him and before the council of the Ummah.

E - It is he who appoints and removes the supreme judge (Qadhil-Qudhat), as well as district administrators, army commanders, chiefs of staff, and the commanders in chief; they are all (responsible) answerable to him and not to the Council of the Ummah.

F - It is he who adopts the Divine laws, on the light of which the state’s budget is drafted, and he decides the details of the budget and the expenditure of each department which is allotted according to its needs, whether it is revenues or expenses.

Evidence of these mandatory powers is drawn from the fact that the Khaleefah in its essence is a general rule over all the Muslims worldwide, with the objective of implementing the Deen’s rules and of carrying the Message of Islam to the world, which is another evidence. However the word state is a terminology, whose meaning differs among different nations. For Western people for instance state means the land, inhabitants and the rulers, for the state in their view is defined within borders they call the country, and sovereignty in their view belongs to the people, with collective and not individualistic ruling. Thus the concept of the state became known as the sum total of the country, the inhabitants and the rulers. Therefore, they have a head of state, i.e. head of the government, the people and the country (land) and a chief of government i.e. a prime minister.

However, in Islam, there are no permanent borders, for the Message has to be carried to the whole world, and therefore frontiers move with the authority of Islam; the term country means the place where a person resides permanently i.e. his home and homeland, no more no less. The supremacy is to the Shari’ah, not to the people; the rulers are directed by the will of the Shari’ah and the Ummah is also directed (controlled) by the Shari’ah; Ruling is individual and not collective. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “If three of you set off in a Journey, appoint one of you (as leader).”

He (saw) also said: “If three of you went out on a journey, you should appoint a leader from among you.” He (saw) also said: “If a bay’ah has been taken for two Khaleefahs, kill the latter of them.”

Therefore, the meaning of the state in Islam differs from that in other systems. The state in Islam means the leadership and ruling, and its mandatory powers rest with the authority of the leader, and since the Khaleefah is the one who takes up the authority, he then is the state. When the Messenger of Allah (saw) established the Islamic state in Madina he was the head of state and the whole of the authority belonged to him, and all powers related to the rule were his, and this was so during all his lifetime until he (saw) died. Then after him came the Khulafa Al-Rashideen, and each one of them enjoyed the full authority and possessing all the mandatory powers related to the rule. This also serves as evidence that the Khaleefah is the state. Besides, when the Messenger of Allah (saw) warned against rebellion and disobedience to the Amir, he expressed it as being a rebellion against the authority. He (saw) said: “If anyone sees in his Amir something that displeases him, let him remain patient, for behold! He who separates himself from the Sultan (authority of Islam) by even so much as a hand span and dies thereupon, he has died the death of Jahiliyyah.” The Khilafah is the rule over the believers, the Khaleefah is therefore the authority, and he has all the mandatory powers, i.e. he is the state and possesses all the powers given to the state. This is the general evidence about these mandatory powers. As for the listing of these powers enjoyed by the Khaleefah, this is in fact the listing of the powers which exist within the state, and we now move onto the listing of the detailed rulings of these powers.

As for the detailed (elaborate) evidence about the six sections mentioned above, the evidence about section “A” is the general consensus of the Sahabah. As for law, it is a term which means the order which the authority (Sultan) issues so that people abide by it; law has been described as being the group of principles which the Sultan (authority) compels people to follow in their relationships (transactions) i.e. if the Sultan issues rules, then these rules became law and people have to abide by them, and if the Sultan does not issue them, then they do not become law and people are not obliged to abide by them. The Muslims follow the rules of Shari’ah, so they abide by Allah’s commands and prohibitions. What they abide by are the commands and prohibitions of Allah, not those of the Sultan, so what they follow are divine laws and not the orders of the Sultan. However these Shari’ah laws have been interpreted differently by the Sahabah, so that their understanding of divine rules differed, and each one of them complied by rules which accorded with his own understanding.

However, there are some divine rules related to managing the affairs of the Ummah that all the Muslims should abide by with one single opinion, and not according to each individual’s own Ijtihad. This in fact took place in the past. Abu Bakr for instance considered it fit to distribute the wealth equally among all Muslims for it was their equal right. Umar deemed it wrong to give in the same way to those who had fought the Messenger of Allah (saw) and those who fought alongside him, as well as equally to both the wealthy and the needy. However when Abu Bakr was the Khaleefah, he ordered his opinion to be enacted (enforced) and the judges and Walis executed his opinion and Umar submitted to Abu Bakr’s opinion and executed it. And when Umar became Khaleefah he enforced his own opinion which differed from that of Abu Bakr’s i.e. he ordered the money to be divided according to merit (excellence) and not equally, thus the Muslims were given according to the length of time they had been Muslims and according to their needs. Muslims abided by this rule, and the judges and Walis executed it. Therefore a general consensus of the Sahabah was established stating that the Imam has the right to adopt specific rules and order them to be implemented. Muslims therefore have to abide by such rules even if they contradicted their own Ijtihad, and they must abandon their own opinions and Ijtihads. These adopted rules are in fact laws. Thus the enacting of laws belongs to the Khaleefah alone and no one else has this right.

As for section “B”, its evidence is derived from Allah’s Messengers’ (saw) actions. He (saw) used to appoint the Walis and judges and hold them accountable. He (saw) used to control sales and purchases and prohibit fraud and cheating. He (saw) used to distribute the wealth among the people, and help the unemployed find work. He (saw) used to run all the state’s internal affairs, and he (saw) used to address the kings and meet with the envoys and receive the delegations. He (saw) also ran all the foreign affairs of the state. He (saw) used to effectively take command of the armed forces, during the raids and he (saw) used to lead the battles, and he (saw) used to send all the expeditions and appoint their leaders. In one instance he (saw) appointed Usama Ibnu Zayd at the head of an expedition to Al-Sham; the Sahabah were not pleased at this due to Usama’s young age, but the Messenger of Allah (saw) forced then to accept his leadership, which proves that he effectively was the commander of the armed forces and not just its high Commander in chief. It was he (saw) who declared war on Quraysh, and on Banu Qurayzah, Banu Nadir, Banu Qaynuqa’, Khayber and the Romans. All the wars that took place where declared by him (saw). This indicates (proves) that only the Khaleefah possesses the right to declare war. It was also the Messenger of Allah (saw) who signed the treaties with Banu Madlij and their allies of Banu Dhumra; He (saw) signed a treaty with Yuhanna (Johnathon) Ibnu Ru’ba, the friend of Ayla, and he (saw) also signed the treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah. The Muslims on that occasion were outraged but he (saw) ignored their opinion and dismissed their pleas, and went ahead and signed the treaty. This proves that only the Khaleefah possesses the mandatory powers to sign treaties, whether these were peace treaties or any other.

As for the section “C”, its evidence is that the Messenger of Allah (saw) received the two envoys of Musaaylama, and it was he (saw) who received Abu Rafi’i, an envoy from Quraysh. It was also he (saw) who sent envoys to Hercules Chosroes, Al Muqaqas, Al-Harith Al Hossani King of Al-Heerla, Al Harith Al-Hamiry. King of Yemen, the Negus Al-Habishi, and he sent Uthman ibn Affan to Quraysh during the Hudaybiyah affair. This proves that the Khaleefah is the one who accepts the ambassadors (envoys) and refuses them and it is he who appoints the ambassadors.

As for section “D”, its evidence is that it was the Messenger of Allah (saw) who used to appoint the Walis, for he appointed Mu’adh as Wali over Yemen; and He (saw) used to remove then; he removed Al A’la’ ibn al-Hadhrami from his post as Wali of Bahrain after its people complained about him; this indicates that the Walis are responsible before the people of the Wilayah (region-district), and also the Khaleefah, as well as the council of the Ummah, for it represent all the Wilayahs. This is concerning the Walis. As for the assistants, the Messenger of Allah (saw) had two assistants: Abu Bakr and Umar. He did not remove them and appoint others to replace them during all his lifetime. It was he (saw) who appointed them and he (saw) never removed them. However, since the assistant derives his authority from the Khaleefah and since he acts in the capacity of his deputy, the Khaleefah therefore has the right to remove him, by analogy with the deputy for the mandator has the right to dismiss (remove) his deputy.

As for the section “E”, its evidence is derived from the fact that the Messenger of Allah (saw) appointed Ali as judge over Yemen; Uqabah ibn Amer reported that two men in dispute came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) seeking justice, so he (saw) said to me: “Judge between them.” I said: “You are better and worthier of that.” So he (saw) said: “It does not matter.” So I said: “What shall I do?” (how do I judge?). He (saw) said: “Judge! And if you get it right, you shall get ten rewards and if you get it wrong you shall get one reward.” It is narrated on the authority of Amru ibn Al A’as that he said that two men in dispute came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) so he (saw) said the me: “O Amru Judge between them.” I said : “You are worthier than me O Messenger of Allah.” He (saw) said: “If you judge right between them you shall get ten rewards and if you don’t you shall get one reward.”

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to appoint and remove judges. He appointed Sharih judge over Kufa and Abu Musa as judge over Basra. He also removed Shurahbeel ibn Hasnu from his post as Wali over Al-Sham and appointed Mu’awiya instead. Shurahbeel said to him: “Is it because of an act of disobedience or treason that you removed me?” Umar replied: “Neither, but I wanted to appoint a different man.” Ali on one occasion appointed Abu Aswad and then he removed him so he asked him: “Why did you remove me. I never cheated or committed a crime?” Ali said: “I noticed that your voice rose above the disputing men.”

Umar and Ali did this before the Sahabah and none of them disapproved or censured their actions. This proves that the Khaleefah reserves the right to appoint the judges in principle, and he can also delegate someone to appoint the judges on his behalf. This is in analogy with the deputation, for he reserves right to assign to a deputy any of his mandatory powers 46 and delegate someone to perform any of his dispositions. As for the state’s departments, the Messenger of Allah (saw) appointed secretaries for the various department of the state. They were considered to be as directors of those departments. He (saw) appointed Al-Harith ibn Auf Al Hazyy in charge of his stamp, and Nu’ayqib ibn Abi Fatima as secretary of the booty. He (saw) also appointed Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman as the head of fruits and harvest assessment department, and Zubayr ibn Al Awwam as director of Sadaqah. He (saw) appointed Al Mughira ibn Shu’ba as director in charge of registering the various transactions and so on.

As for the army commanders and chief commanders, the Messenger of Allah (saw) appointed Hafiza ibn Abdul Muttalib as commander of an army of thirty riders to confront Quraysh on the seashore, and appointed Muhummad ibn Ubayda ibn Al Harith at the head of sixty fighters and instructed him to confront Quraysh in the Wadi of Rabigh. He (saw) also appointed Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas at the head of an expedition numbering twenty riders and dispatched him towards Makkah. Therefore, he (saw) used to appoint the army commanders which proves that it is the Khaleefah who appoints the commanders and the army chiefs of staff.

All these were answerable to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and nobody else, which indicates that the judges, directors of departments, army commanders, chiefs of staff and various senior officials are answerable to none but the Khaleefah. They are not answerable to the council of the Ummah. Only the delegated assistants, the Walis and the Amils are responsible before the council of the Ummah for they are rulers and nobody else is responsible before the council, but everyone has to report back to the Khaleefah.

As for section “F”, the revenues and the expenditures are controlled and managed according to the Shari’ah rules, every single Qirsh (-penny) is debited according to Shari’ah and every single Qirsh spent in the same way. However the details of the expenditure or what is known as the breakdown of the expenditure are left to the Khaleefah to decide according to his Ijtihad. So are the details of revenues. It is the Khaleefah for instance 47 who decides on the amount of the Kharaj of land, and the Jizya as well as any other levies and revenues. It is the Khaleefah who decides on the expenditures reserved for each project, such as road works, hospitals etc. All such matters are left to the Khaleefah to decide, and it is the Khaleefah who reserves the right to act on his own Ijtihad and opinion. The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to receive the revenues from the Amils, and spend them. It was he (saw) who authorised the Walis on some occasions to receive monies and spend them. This was the case when he (saw) appointed Mu’adh over Yemen. Then the Khulafa Rashideen did the same, each one of them collected the revenues and spent them according to his opinion and own Ijtihad in his capacity as Khaleefah. None of the Sahabah ever disapproved, and nobody ever spent a single Qirsh without the Khaleefah’s consent. When Umar appointed Mu’awiya as Wali, he gave him a general Wilayah whereby he had powers to collect and spend. All this proves that the details of the budget are decided by the Khaleefah or anyone acting on his behalf.

These are the detailed evidences about the Khaleefah’s mandatory powers and these are confirmed by the Hadith of Allah Messenger (saw): “The Imam is a guardian, and he is responsible over his subjects.” The word he indicates the restriction or exclusivity, i.e. every matter related to the management of the subjects affairs is the responsibility of the Khaleefah and the Khaleefah alone. He reserves the right to delegate anyone with whatever task, however he deems fit, and this is analogous to deputation.

Indeed the time limit given for Muslims to establish a Khaleefah is two nights. So no Muslim is allowed to stay for more than two nights without having a Bay’ah on his neck. Making the upper limit as two nights is due to the fact that appointment of a Khaleefah is Fard from the moment the previous Khaleefah dies or is deposed. But it is allowed to delay the appointment while engaging in it for two nights. If the delay exceeded two nights and the Muslims did not establish a Khaleefah, the matter is examined. If the Muslims were busy in establishing a Khaleefah but could not complete it within two nights due to overwhelming matters they cannot resist, then the sin will drop from them because they were engaged in establishing the duty and they were forced to delay it by compelling power. The Prophet (saw) said: “The sin due to mistake, forgetfulness and compulsion is removed from my Ummah.” But if they were not engaged in performing the duty, then they would all be sinful until the Khaleefah is established and at that time the Fard will drop from them. But the sin they committed in neglecting the establishment of a Khaleefah does not drop from them, it rather remains on them, and Allah (swt) will bring them to account for it the same way He (swt) brings any Muslim to account for any disobedience he commits when he neglects to perform a duty.

In regard to the evidence concerning the two nights time limit given to Muslims to perform the duty of establishing a Khaleefah, it is an Ijma’a of the Sahabah. The Sahabah started to meet in the courtyard of Bani Sa’idah, to discuss the appointment of a successor to the Messenger of Allah (saw) as soon as the news of the death of the Prophet (saw) reached them. They kept discussing in the courtyard, and on the second day they gathered the people in the mosque in order that they might give the Bay’ah. This took two nights and three days. Also, when ‘Umar (r.a.) became certain that his death was imminent as a result of the stab wound, he entrusted the people of influence, the six remaining senior Sahabah, and gave them three days to choose a new Khaleefah. He ordered that if after the three days an agreement was not reached the one who disagreed should be killed. This was despite the fact that these were of the eminent Sahabah. ‘Umar (r.a.) also empowered fifty Muslims with swords to kill the one who disagreed. These orders were given in front of the Sahabah, and no one was reported to deny or disagree with it, so it becomes Ijma’a of the Sahabah that Muslims are not permitted to stay without a Khaleefah for more than two nights and three days, and the Ijma’a of the Sahabah is a legitimate Daleel Shari’i (evidence) like the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw).

Therefore, the re-establishment of the Khilafah is the most vital issue and the priority obligation for the Muslims. It was worth not only the lives of the Sahabah (ra) but also the Messenger (saw) was prepared to give up his life for the establishment of this Deen. He (saw) stated to his uncle concerning the Mushrikeen, “ Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, on condition that I relinquish this matter, I would not relinquish it until Allah has made it dominant or I perish therein”. (Tareekh ut-Tabari by al-Tabari Vol. 6 par. 1179).

Hence the re-establishment of the Khilafah is the priority issue for the Islamic Ummah and the matter which will restore all the Faraa’id (obligations) of Islam and remove all the Munkaraat (evils) that are effecting the Islamic world and establish the Ma’roof (good).

Imam Shatibi has stated in his book Al-Muwafaqaat fee Usul il Ahkam (Vol. 1 Section 1 page 119-121) that the obligation of appointing an Imam falls upon those that are capable of establishing it and those who are capable of taking that position but if they do not appoint him then everyone else must work to ensure that those who are capable fulfil their obligation and hence it becomes a Wajib to work with those that are capable to resume the Imamah based upon the principle “Whatever is necessary to accomplish an obligation is in itself an obligation”.

Therefore it is an obligation upon every single Muslim today to work to remove the current systems in the Islamic lands in order to re-establish the Khilafah and bring Islam back to the Ummah.

“The Prophets ruled over the children of Israel, whenever a Prophet died another Prophet succeeded him, but there will be no Prophet after me. There will be Khulafaa’ and they will number many. They asked: What then do you order us? He said: Fulfill the Bay’ah to them one after the other and give them their due. Surely Allah will ask them about what He entrusted them with.”

The Re-establishment of the Khilafah is an obligation upon all Muslims

The Khilafah is a common leadership for all the Muslims in the world. Its role is to establish the laws of the Islamic Shari’ah and to carry the Da’awah of Islam to the world. The Khilafah is also known as the Imamah, both terms have the same meaning. Several Sahih Ahadith mention them with the same meaning, neither of the two terms has ever differed in meaning in any Shari’ah text i.e. the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw), these being the only Shari’ah texts. It is not compulsory to hold to the term of Khilafah or Imamah, but rather it is compulsory to hold to the meaning of the term.

The establishment of a Khaleefah is an obligation upon all Muslims in the world. Performing this duty, like any of the duties prescribed by Allah (swt) upon the Muslims, is an urgent obligation in which there can be no choice or complacency. Negligence in performing this duty is one of the greatest sins, for which Allah (swt) punishes severely.

The evidence that the appointment of a Khaleefah is obligatory upon all Muslims is found in the Sunnah and the Ijma’a (consensus) of the Sahabah. As for the Sunnah, Nafi’a reported saying: “ ‘Umar said to me that he heard the Prophet (saw) saying: ‘Whosoever takes off his hand from allegiance to Allah (swt) will meet Him (swt) on the Day of Resurrection without having any proof for him, and whoso dies whilst there was no Bay’ah (allegiance) on his neck (to a Khaleefah), he dies a death of Jahiliyyah (ignorance).” So the Prophet (saw) made it compulsory upon every Muslim to have a Bay’ah on his neck, and described whoever dies without a Bay’ah on his neck that he dies a death of Jahiliyyah. The Bay’ah cannot be for anyone except the Khaleefah, and the Prophet (saw) made it obligatory upon every Muslim to have on his neck a Bay’ah to a Khaleefah. Yet he did not make it an obligation upon every Muslim to give Bay’ah to a Khaleefah. The duty is the existence of a Bay’ah on the neck of every eligible Muslim, i.e. the existence of a Khaleefah who accordingly deserves a Bay’ah upon the neck of every Muslim. So it is the presence of the Khaleefah which places a Bay’ah on the neck of every Muslim, whether the Muslim gave a Bay’ah to him in person or not.

Therefore, this Hadith of the Prophet (saw) is an evidence that the appointment of the Khaleefah is an obligation and not a proof that giving the Bay’ah is obligatory. This is because the Prophet (saw) rebuked the Muslim who has no Bay’ah on his neck until he dies, not the one who did not give Bay’ah.. Hisham ibn ‘Urwa reported on the authority of Abu Saleh on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (saw) said: “Leaders will take charge of you after me, where the pious (one) will lead you with his piety and the impious (one) with his impiety, so listen to them and obey them in everything which conforms with the truth. If they act rightly it is for your credit, and if they acted wrongly it is counted for you and against them.” Muslim narrated on the authority of al-A’araj, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet (saw) said: “Behold, the Imam is but a shield from behind whom the people fight and by whom they protect themselves.” Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hazim, who said: “I accompanied Abu Hurayrah for five years and heard him talking of the saying of the Prophet (saw): The Prophets ruled over the children of Israel, whenever a Prophet died another Prophet succeeded him, but there will be no Prophet after me. There will be Khulafaa’ and they will number many. They asked: What then do you order us? He said: Fulfil the Bay’ah to them one after the other and give them their due. Surely Allah will ask them about what He entrusted them with.” Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Prophet (saw) said: “If anyone sees in his Amir something that displeases him let him remain patient, for behold, he who separates himself from the sultan (authority of Islam) by even so much as a hand span and dies thereupon, has died a death of the days of Jahiliyyah”.

In these Ahadith, the Prophet (saw) informs us that leaders will run the affairs of Muslims, and the Ahadith include the description of the Khaleefah as a shield, i.e. a protection. So the description of the Imam as a shield is informative of the benefits of the presence of the Imam, thus it is a command for action, because if the information conveyed by Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw) contained rebuke then it is a command of abstention, and if it contained praise then it is a command for action. If the ordered action is necessary to implement a Hukm Shari’i (divine law), or by its negligence a Hukm Shari’i will be neglected, then this command is decisive. In these Ahadith there is information also that those who run the affairs of Muslims are Khulafaa’, which indicates an order to appoint them. They also include a prohibition for Muslims to separate from the authority, which indicates the obligation upon Muslims to appoint an authority for themselves, i.e. ruling. Moreover, the Prophet (saw) ordered the Muslims to obey the Khaleefah and to fight those who dispute his authority as the Khaleefah, which indicates an order to appoint a Khaleefah and to protect his Khilafah by fighting against whosoever disputes with him. Muslim reported that the Prophet (saw) said: “He who pledged allegiance to an Imam giving him the clasp of his hand and the fruit of his heart shall obey him as long as he can, and if another comes to dispute with him you have to strike the neck of that man.” So the command to obey the Imam is an order to establish him, and the command to fight those who dispute with him is an evidence that this command is decisive in maintaining the presence of one Khaleefah.

In regards to the Ijma’a of the Sahabah they all agreed upon the necessity to establish a successor or Khaleefah to the Prophet (saw) after his death. They all agreed as well to appoint a successor to Abu Bakr (r.a.), then to ‘Umar (r.a.), then to ‘Uthman (r.a.), after the death of each one of them. The Ijma’a of the Sahabah to establish a Khaleefah manifested itself emphatically when they delayed the burial of the Prophet (saw) after his death whilst engaged in appointing a successor to him. This was despite the fact that the burial of the dead person is a Fard, and that it is Haram upon those who are supposed to prepare for his burial to engage themselves in anything else until they complete the burial. The Sahabah were obliged to engage themselves in preparing the burial of the Prophet (saw). Instead, some of them engaged themselves in appointing a Khaleefah rather than carrying out the burial, and some others kept silent on this engagement and participated in delaying the burial for two nights despite their ability to deny the delay and their ability to bury the Prophet (saw). So this was an Ijma’a to engage themselves in appointing a Khaleefah rather than to bury the dead. This could not be legitimate unless the appointment of a Khaleefah is more obligatory than the burial of the dead. Also, all the Sahabah agreed throughout their lives upon the obligation of appointing a Khaleefah. Although they disagreed upon the person to elect as a Khaleefah, they never disagreed upon the appointment of a Khaleefah, neither when the Prophet (saw) died, nor when any of the Khulafaa’ al-Rashidun died. Therefore the Ijma’a of the Sahabah is a clear and strong evidence that the appointment of a Khaleefah is obligatory.

Furthermore, the establishment of Islam and the implementation of the Shari’ah rules in all walks of life is compulsory on Muslims through definitely proven evidences. This duty cannot be achieved unless there is a ruler who has an authority. The Qaa’idah (divine principle) states ‘that which is necessary to accomplish a Wajib (duty) is itself a Wajib’. So the establishment of a Khaleefah is also compulsory according to this Qaa’idah. This principle can be realised by the following examples,

The Prophet (saw) has stated in one Hadith as narrated by Imam Bayhaqi (ra) in his Sunan that, “Nobody has the right vested in him to establish anything from the Hudood without the Sultan (authority of the State)”.

Imam Tahawi also narrates a Hadith from Muslim ibn Yasar that the Prophet (saw) said, “The (collection of the) Zakah, the (implementation of the) Hudood the (distribution of the) spoils and the (appointment of the) Jumu’ah are for the Sultan”. (A similar narration has been narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah in his Musanaf and also by Imam Narghiyani. They have been deemed acceptable.)

Hence the obligation of establishing the Khilafah is the obligation upon which many other obligations rest, such as the Hudood (penal codes), collection and distribution of the Zakah, the organising of the main Jumu’ah and it’s Khateeb and other obligations besides these. The removal of Kufr depends upon the resumption of the Khilafah. Establishing Islam in actuality means the establishment of the Khilafah as that is the only method of implementing Islam. Indeed, without the Khilafah the Deen cannot exist in our societies. Hence the whole of Islam depends upon the Khilafah as that is the method that Islam defined to bring it into existence.

The current situation of the Islamic Ummah is a testament to this fact. The Islamic penal code is absent and is replaced with that of the European countries. The economic system of Islam has been replaced by that of the Capitalists and today the resources of the Muslim Ummah are the spoils that are distributed by the Kuffar. The Islamic lands are occupied despite the military capacities of the Muslim armies. The absence of the Islamic way of life in our countries is ever affecting the societal fabric with nightclubs and bars arising in the holy lands of al-Quds, as well as many other major cities and capitals in the Islamic world. These stark facts unfortunately clearly illustrate the absence of Islam and the truthfulness of the statements of the Messenger of Allah (saw).

Moreover, Allah (swt) has ordered the Prophet (saw) to rule between Muslims by that which He (swt) revealed to him, and the order of Allah (swt) to him was in a decisive manner. Allah (swt) addressed the Prophet (saw) saying:

“And rule between them by that which Allah revealed to you, and do not follow their vain desires away from the truth which came to you”. (TMQ al-Ma’idah, verse 48)

And He (swt) said:

“And rule between them by that which Allah revealed to you and do not follow their whims, and beware (be on the alert) that they may deviate you away from even some part of what Allah revealed to you”. (TMQ al-Ma’idah, verse49)

The speech of Allah (swt) to the Prophet (saw) is a speech to his Ummah unless there is an evidence which limits the speech to him. In this case there is no such evidence, so the aforementioned verses order all Muslims to establish the rule of Allah (swt). The establishment of the Khaleefah does not mean other than the establishment of the rule and the authority of Allah (swt). On the other hand, Allah (swt) made it obligatory upon Muslims to obey those in authority, meaning the ruler, which indicates that the existence of the ruler is obligatory upon Muslims. Allah (swt) said:

“O you who believe obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from amongst you”. (TMQ al-Nisa’a, verse 59)

Allah (swt) does not order obedience to those who do not exist. This indicates that the existence of the ruler is obligatory. When Allah (swt) orders obedience to those in authority it is an order to establish them. The implementation of the Shari’ah depends upon the existence of the ruler, thus, the establishment of the ruler becomes obligatory as its absence will result in the sin of neglecting the Shari’ah.

Therefore, it is clear from these evidences that the establishment of the ruling and the authority amongst Muslims is Fard, and it is also clear that the appointment of a Khaleefah who takes charge of the rule and the authority, is compulsory upon Muslims in order to implement the Shari’ah laws; and not for the sake of ruling and authority only. Reflect upon what the Prophet (saw) said: “The best of your Imams (leaders) are those whom you love and they love you, who pray for you and you pray for them; and the worst of your Imams are those whom you hate and they hate you and you curse them and they curse you.’ The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked: ‘Would we not declare war on them (face them with the swords)?’ He said: ‘No, as long as they establish Salah (meaning Islam) among you.” This Hadith is clear in informing about the good and bad leaders, and clear in prohibiting the challenge of their authority as long as they establish the prayer, which in this context indicates upholding of Islam, and establishing its rule.

So the obligation upon Muslims to appoint a Khaleefah who establishes the laws of Islam and conveys its call is a matter which has no doubt with regard to its certainty in the sound texts of Shari’ah. Moreover, it is an obligatory duty due to the fact that Allah (swt) made it a Fard upon Muslims to establish the authority of Islam and to protect the honour of Muslims. However, this duty is a collective one, so if some people of the Ummah accomplished it, the Fard is fulfilled and thus responsibility drops from the rest of the Ummah. And if part of the Ummah was unable to accomplish the Fard, though they carried out the actions of establishing it, then the responsibility remains upon all the Muslims, and the Fard remains upon every Muslim as long as Muslims are without a Khaleefah.

To refrain from establishing a Khaleefah for the Muslims is a great sin because it is abstaining from carrying out a very important Fard of Islam, upon which the implementation of the divine laws depends, even upon which the presence of Islam in the battlefield of life depends as well. So Muslims as a whole commit a great sin by refraining from establishing a Khaleefah for all Muslims. And if they agreed to remain without a Khaleefah the sin would befall all Muslims in the entire world. If some of the Muslims embarked on working to establish a Khaleefah and the others did not, the sin will drop from the shoulders of those who started to work to establish the Khaleefah, while the Fard remains on them until the Khaleefah is appointed. This is because the involvement in establishing the Fard removes the sin for the delay of its fulfillment in its time, and for its non-fulfillment, despite one’s engagement in the work for establishing it, and despite his hatred of that which prevents him from accomplishing it.

As for those who were not engaged in the work for establishing the Fard, the sin would remain on them as soon as the three days period has passed, from the departure of the Khaleefah until the appointment of a new Khaleefah. This is because Allah (swt) had entrusted them with a Fard, which they did not carry out nor did they engage themselves in the work which was required for its completion. Therefore, they would be sinful and would deserve the punishment and shame from Allah (swt) in this life and the hereafter. They would be sinful due to their slackness in establishing the Khaleefah or from the actions which (according to Shari’ah) establish the Khaleefah. It is clear and obvious that a Muslim deserves the punishment of Allah (swt) when he ignores any of the duties enjoined upon him, particularly the duty by which the other duties are implemented, the Shari’ah rules are established, the matter of Islam is brought aloft and the word of Allah (swt) is exalted in the Islamic world and elsewhere.

Accordingly, no Muslim on the face of this earth has an excuse to abandon the duty of establishing the Deen which Allah (swt) has ordered, that is, the establishment of a Khaleefah for Muslims, when there is no Khilafah on the earth, and no one to implement the limits (Hudood) of Allah (swt) to protect the sanctities of Allah (swt), and no one to implement the laws of the Deen and unify the Muslim community under the banner of Laa ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad al-Rasul Allah. There is no permission in Islam to abandon the work for this duty until it is indeed accomplished.

The Muslims are at present experiencing the severest of trials and the worst of ordeals. The effective remedy for them lies in the perception of whether their issues are vital or not, and in undertaking of a life and death measure towards every vital issue, especially if the issue in question encompasses all the vital issues put together. As long as this perception is not achieved in a manner that dominates over the souls and the atmospheres, the Muslims will continue to be in a constant decline and degeneration, and they will never rise amongst the nations. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Muslims to discern their vital issues and to have their perception of these issues find its way to the hearts, the souls and the general atmospheres so that it becomes a perception that drives them towards undertaking what the vital issues necessitate in terms of life and death measures with an unshakable resolve and unrelenting zeal. This is the point at issue, and this is the basis of all that which the Muslims are attempting to undertake to deal with the reality they are currently facing.

The reality of the Muslims today is sensed by every Muslim, it does not require any explanation nor does it necessitate any elaboration. Their lands are ruled by Kufr systems, thus they are conclusively a Kufr household (Dar ul-Kufr). They are divided into more than four entities, ranging from States, Emirates, Sultanates and Sheikhdoms. They are weaker than being capable of standing up to the Kuffar. Hence the issue of every country in the Islamic world is to turn it into an Islamic household (Dar ul-Islam) and then unite with the rest of the Islamic countries. This issue is a vital issue; it is even the whole of the vital issues put together; thus it is imperative to undertake towards it the measure of life and death.

However this vital issue, i.e. the issue of transforming the lands into Dar ul-Islam and uniting them with the rest of the Islamic lands, is an objective the Muslims aim to achieve. The method which ought to be undertaken to achieve this objective is to establish the Khilafah, thus restoring it’s existence. Hence, the issue facing the Muslims today is the establishment of the Khilafah as a ruling system through which the transformation of the lands into Dar ul-Islam is achieved, and consequently, unity with the rest of the lands of Islam. However, it should be made absolutely clear that what is facing the Muslims today is not merely the appointment of a Khaleefah so as to say that this is a duty of sufficiency (Fard al Kifayah), thus making it a non-vital issue. Rather, what is facing the Muslim Ummah today is the establishment of the Khilafah, meaning the generating of the Khilafah system as a ruling system. The responsibility of this task is huge, and the reality of it is other than merely appointing a Khaleefah, although the establishment of the Khilafah necessitates the appointing of a Khaleefah. Ibn ‘Umar (r.a.) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “And whosoever dies without having a Bay’ah upon his neck (without a system of Bay’ah existing), he dies the death of Jahiliyyah”.

Establishing the Khilafah is conclusively a vital issue. This is because, in addition to being a method to transform our lands from Dar ul-Kufr into Dar ul-Islam, it’s establishment is also aimed at destroying the Kufr systems thus removing the flagrant Kufr, which is in itself a vital issue. So the Messenger of Allah (saw) ordered restraint from the spilling of blood: “Unless you witness a flagrant Kufr”. Also because it is mentioned in the Hadith: “ … They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, should we not resist them with the sword?’ He (saw) said: ‘No, as long as they establish prayer amongst you”. Therefore, by establishing the State the vital issue of removing the flagrant Kufr is attained. Consequently, the establishment of the Khilafah is a vital issue, because it is the method to achieve a vital issue, and because the Shari’ah evidence from the Sunnah indicates that it is so. Thus, it is imperative to undertake towards it the measure of life and death.

Ever since their affairs were controlled by the hands of the Kuffar, the hypocrites and the apostates, the Muslims have not ceased in attempting to break free from the noose of the Kufr authority and the hegemony of its masters and agents. However, they failed to realise that the issue for which they were struggling was vital, and that it had no other measure but the measure of life and death. Hence, it was this lack of perception among the masses of the Muslims, that stripped them in their quality as a community, or an Ummah, from their readiness to endure harm, imprisonment and torture, in addition to enduring poverty, devastation and death, something which can never be detached from the battles of struggle over the vital issues. Therefore, these attempts had been predestined to inevitable failure and they failed to move one single step forward towards achieving the issue they were struggling for.

There was no need for the Muslims to exert extraordinary thought in order to perceive that their issue was a vital one. It was immediately evident to any sighted person, as it is evident today, that it is rationally impossible for the Kuffar to allow Islam to return to the political scene in the form of ruling. As long as the Kuffar persisted in one iota of oppression against those who worked towards the Khilafah it remained self-evident that this was a vital issue. The rank of the apostates and the hypocrites were equally brutal in terms of crime and oppression. They threw everything they had of their power into the battlefield to fight those believers who aimed at exacting the power from them in order to establish the rules of Allah and to protect the sanctities of Allah through establishing the limits (Hudood) of Allah. Thus, it was self-evident that this was a vital issue.

Therefore, it would be impossible for any attempt, undertaken by the Muslims for the sake of this issue, to bear fruit unless they considered it to be a vital issue, whose achievement depended upon the measure of life and death. Due to the fact that the Muslims failed to perceive the nature of the battle and the sound rule of Allah (swt) pertaining to this battle, they set about liberating themselves in a method unworthy of the vital issues. Hence, their measure towards this was below the measure of life and death. Nevertheless, the fact is that the issue whose nature is vital, such as the removal of the Kufr systems and the establishment of the system of Islam, regardless of whether it was perceived on this basis or not, could never be achieved, no matter how great a force or how tremendous an effort used, unless it was considered, and illustrated, during this process as being vital. That is to say, the measure of life and death was undertaken towards it.

Hence, the Muslims should be frankly told, be it individuals or groups, that they have no other choice, but to carry out the struggle against Kufr on the basis of the life and death measure. This is because the nature of their issue necessitates such a measure and because the Shari’ah has in the Book and the Sunnah decreed this measure. Besides, the Messenger of Allah (saw) has taught us how to determine our issues and ordered us to undertake the measure of life and death towards every vital issue. When Allah (swt) sent him with the Message of Islam, and when he started conveying the Da’awah through the intellectual struggle, he (saw) determined his issue as being the triumph of Islam and he undertook towards it the measure of life and death. It is reported that when he (saw) was told by his uncle Abu Talib what the Quraysh had wanted from him, i.e. to make Muhammad (saw) refrain from attacking them, and when Abu Talib said to him: “Spare me and yourself, and do not put on me a burden greater than I can bear.” The Messenger of Allah (saw) said to him: “O uncle, by Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I relinquish this matter, I would not relinquish it until Allah has made it dominant or I perish therein.”

When he (saw) established the State and performed Jihad by the sword, he also determined his issue as being the triumph of Islam and he undertook towards this issue the measure of life and death. It has been reported that, at the incident of al-Hudaybiah, when he (saw) was in Usfan, two junctions away from Makkah, on his way to perform Umrah, he met a man from Bani Ka’ab and asked him whether he had any news about the Quraysh. His answer was: “There are Quraysh who have heard of your coming and have come out wearing leopards’ skins and have encamped at Dhu Tuwa vowing that you shall never enter Makkah in defiance of them. This man Khalid ibn al-Walid is with their cavalry which they have sent in advance to Kura-Al-Ghamim”. Upon this the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Woe unto Quraysh! War has devoured them. What harm would they have suffered if they had left me and the rest of the Arabs to go our own ways? If they should kill me, that is what they desired, and if Allah should give me victory over them they would enter Islam in flocks. If they do not do that they will fight while they have the strength; so what are Quraysh thinking of? By Allah, I shall not cease to fight for the mission with which Allah has entrusted me until He makes it triumphant or this Salifah gets severed”. The Salifah is the surface of the neck, and its severance is tantamount to death. Then the Messenger of Allah (saw) continued his march until he reached Al-Hudaybiah.

In these two cases: the case of carrying the Da’awah through intellectual struggle, and the case of carrying it through Jihad, the Messenger of Allah (saw) determined his issue as being the triumph of Islam, and he (saw) made it a vital issue, thus undertaking towards it the required and inevitable measure in both cases, that is the measure of life and death. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said in the first instance:

“O uncle, by Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I relinquish this matter, I would not relinquish it until Allah has made it dominant or I perish therein”, and he (saw) said in the second instance: “By Allah, I shall not cease to fight for the mission with which Allah has entrusted me until He makes it triumphant or this Salifah gets severed.”

Had the Messenger of Allah (saw) not made this issue a vital one and had he not undertaken the measure of life and death towards it, Islam would not have triumphed, neither by conveying the Da’awah through intellectual struggle, nor by conveying it through Jihad with the sword. This is similar to the Muslims’ reality today, that is the dominance of the Kufr systems over them and the hegemony of the Kuffar and the hypocrites over them, if they do not treat their issue as vital issue, and if they do not undertake the measure of life and death towards it, their endeavour would not yield anything and they would not be able to move one single step forward.

Therefore, we call upon every single Muslim, amidst this Kufr dominating the Islamic lands, to work towards establishing the Khilafah as a method to transform his own country into Dar ul-Islam and to unite it with the rest of the Islamic lands carrying the Da’awah to the world in order to make Islam triumphant. This work must reflect with truthful belief, enlightenment and awareness the saying of the Messenger of Allah (saw) : “ Allah, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I relinquish this matter, I would not relinquish it until Allah has made it dominant or I perish therein”, and his (saw) saying: “By Allah, I shall not cease to fight for the mission with which Allah has entrusted me until He makes it triumphant or this Salifah gets severed.”

If one were to review the Book and the Sunnah, he would find that Islam has determined these vital issues in an explicit manner and, determined the compulsory measure towards them as being a matter of life and death. Islam has for instance considered apostasy from Islam, be it by an individual or a group, as a vital issue. It has made the measure undertaken towards it one of life and death, that is either repentance or death. Hence, Islam has determined the issue and also the measure. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “He who changes his Deen must be killed.” It is also reported on the authority of Ibn Mas’ud who said, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, The blood of a Muslim person who professes that there is no god but Allah and that I am the messenger of Allah is not violable except in three instances: the adulterer, the slayer of another person and the apostate who abandons the group.” This issue was to the Muslims a dominant concept and a fact to which they held onto with a tight grip. The Muslims used to implement it, thus they would kill the apostate who refused to repent. The Sahabah did this in Yemen in the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (saw), they also did this after him (saw) and those who succeeded them did the same. In the Hadith of Abu Musa, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to him, “Go to Yemen!” Then he (saw) sent Mu’adh ibn Jabal to join him. When he reached him Abu Musa threw him a pillow and said to him: “Get down.(from your camel)” As Mu’adh was about to dismount, he noticed a man who was tied up; so he asked: “What is this?” Abu Musa replied: “He had been a Jew, he then embraced Islam and then he Judaised again.” Upon this Mu’adh said to him: “I shall not sit until he is killed. He who revokes his Deen must be killed.” Abu Dawud reported this as follows: “A man who apostasised from Islam was brought to Abu Musa, so he invited him to repent for twenty nights or so; then Mu’adh came and invited him to repent but he refused so he struck his neck.” Al-Darqutni and Al-Bayhaqi extracted the following: “Abu Bakr invited a woman called Umm Qarfah to repent, having embraced Islam and then apostasised, but she refused to repent, so he killed her..” Also, when many of the Arab tribes apostasised, following Musaylamah the false prophet, Abu Bakr (r.a.) brandished the sword against them and fought them until he brought them back to the fold of Islam.

It is reported in Al-Fateh on the authority of Abdullah ibn Sharik on that of his father who said: “It was said to ‘Ali (r.a.): ‘There are people here at the door of the mosque who claim that you are their god’. So he (r.a.) summoned them and said to them: ‘Woe to you! What are you saying?’ They said: ‘You are our god, our creator and our provider.’ He said: ‘Woe to you, I am but a servant like you. I eat just like you and I drink just like you do. If I obeyed Allah He would reward me if He wished, and if I disobeyed Him I feared that He punished me so fear Allah and repent’. They still refused to repent. On the following day, they were brought to him and Qanbar came and said: ‘By Allah they went back to saying the same thing’. So ‘Ali (r.a.) said: ‘Let them in’. So they again said the same thing. On the third day ‘Ali (r.a.) said to them: ‘If you were to say the same thing again I shall kill you in the worst possible way’. They still refused. So ‘Ali ordered for a hole to be dug for them between the entrance of the mosque and the palace; then he ordered for wood to be thrown in the hole and lit up. He then said to them: ‘I shall throw you in if you do not repent’. They still refused, so he threw them in.”

When Ibn ‘Abbas (r.a.) heard of their burning, he expressed his disagreement over their burning and said that they should have been killed. Akrama reported: “A group of apostates were brought to the Amir of the believers ‘Ali (r.a.) so he burnt them; Ibn ‘Abbas (r.a.) heard of this and said: ‘If I had been him, I would not have burnt them because the Messenger of Allah (saw) has prohibited this by saying: ‘Do not punish with the punishment of Allah’. I would have killed them because the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘He who changes his Deen must be killed.’” In the days of Al-Mahdi the number of atheists and apostates increased; and he used to invite them to repent, and he who refused used to be killed. Al-Mahdi killed a considerable number from them.

Hence, the Muslims, among them the Sahabah, those who succeeded them and the Khulafaa’ used to kill the apostate. They were firm in the matter without any slackness. However, when the Khulafaa’ became weak and the understanding of Islam also weakened, slackness in the killing of the apostate occurred, until atheism and apostasy spread and this reached the point where some of the apostates established groups and adopted a Deen alien to Islam. As a consequence, the fear crept into the hearts of the Muslims, despite the fact that this was a vital issue on the one hand and a matter in which intercession and forgiveness were out of the question on the other hand.

Hence, it was not surprising for a man like Mustafa Kemal to declare war against Islam, i.e. apostasise from Islam with no one to execute the rule of Shari’ah upon him; because the issue of apostasy was no longer a vital issue, and this is what happened. Therefore, it is imperative to put back this issue in its rightful place and consider it to be a vital issue, by killing every apostate, even if they numbered millions.

However, this does not mean that we can be casual in judging a person to be an apostate because he carries a doubtful opinion; we ought to be decisively certain before we can judge him to be a Kafir and an apostate. If what he says makes him 99% an apostate and 1% does not make an apostate, then the 1% should take precedence and he should be considered a Muslim, and he should not be judged as an apostate. This is because the Muslim in essence is a Muslim and he should not be judged to be a Kafir or an apostate unless this was conclusive. Likewise, we should not make excuses for him or seek pretexts to remove the rule of apostasy from him if he were conclusively an apostate, because this would impede the measure of life and death to be undertaken in a vital issue.

Therefore, if a Muslim were to perpetrate that which renders him an apostate, such as praying in a church, with the Christians and in the way they pray, or if he were to utter something that renders him an apostate, such as: “The story of Ibrahim mentioned in the Qur’an was not narrated by history, thus it is a false story”, or if he were to believe in that which renders him an apostate, such as believing that Islam is not valid for this age, or such as believing in the separation of the Deen from the state, or if he were to doubt a conclusive fact, thus becoming an apostate, such as doubting that the Qur’an is the word of Allah, in all such cases and in other similar cases, he would conclusively become an apostate. Then the issue must be treated as a vital one, and the measure of life and death must be undertaken towards it, i.e. either repentance or death.

Likewise, Islam has made the unity of the Islamic Ummah and the unity of the State one of the vital issues, and made the measure undertaken towards it a measure of life and death; thus it has determined the issue and the measure.

This is manifested in two cases: one is the issue of the plurality of Khulafaa’ and the other is the issue of the rebels. It has been reported on the authority of Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’Aas that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “He who pledged his Bay’ah (oath) to an Imam giving him the clasp of his hand and the fruit of his heart shall obey him as long as he can, and if another comes to dispute with him, you must strike the neck of that man.” It has also been reported on the authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “If a Bay’ah has been taken for two Khaleefah’s, kill the latter of them.” Hence, he (saw) made the unity of the State a vital issue when he prohibited the plurality of the Khulafaa’ and ordered the killing of the one who attempts to establish a plurality in the Khilafah, unless he retracts. It has also been reported on the authority of Arfaja who said: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “He who comes to you while your affair has been united under one man, intending to drive a wedge between you or fragment your group (Jama’ah), kill him.” Hence, he (saw) made the issue of the Ummah’s unity and the issue of the State’s unity a vital issue when he prohibited the fragmentation of the group and ordered the killing of he who attempts to do so, unless he retracts.

As for the rebels, Allah (swt) says:

“If two factions from among the believers fall into a quarrel, make peace between them; and if one of them transgresses against the other, then fight the one that transgresses until it complies with the Command of Allah” (TMQ al-Hujarat, verse 9). This is because once the Imamah of the Muslims has been established, meaning when a Khaleefah for the Muslims has been chosen, rebellion against him is forbidden, due to the fact that rebellion leads to the disunity of the Muslims, the shedding of their blood and the squandering of their wealth. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “He who rebels against my Ummah while they are united strike his neck with the sword whoever he may be.”

Hence, those who separate from the Imam are considered rebels. They should be invited to repent and their doubts should be dissipated, but if they persist, they should be killed.

By prohibiting the plurality of the state and the rebellion against it, and by prohibiting the division of the Ummah, the unity of State and that of the Ummah becomes a vital issue, because Allah (swt) has decreed that the measure to be undertaken towards them is a measure of life and death. Hence, he who perpetrates such an act should either repent or be killed. The Muslims had implemented this and used to consider it to be amongst the most important and most critical of matters. They never used to be lenient in this towards any Muslim whoever he might have been, thus ‘Ali (r.a.) was never lenient with Mu’awiyyah. Moreover, ‘Ali (r.a.), the Umayyads and the Abbasids were never lenient with the Khawarij, and the established facts pertaining to this are innumerable. However, when the Khilafah became weak and the understanding of Islam declined, Muslims kept silent over the breakaway of Islamic lands from the body of the Khilafah. Thus a wedge was driven between the Muslims and they turned into several states. This is despite the fact that the breakaway of any land from the body of the State is a vital issue that stipulates either the repentance of the rebels, or the waging of war against them, regardless of the cost in lives or wealth.

The situation reached the point where Muslims lived in several states and the Khilafah became one of these states; the situation even worsened to the point where some Muslims started to call for an Islamic league, i.e. to have the Khilafah state enter into agreements with the states which broke away from her. Thus the Khilafah State would approve of their separation and of becoming several states; i.e. to support the disunity of the Muslims so that they turn into several peoples and nations, despite the fact that this was a vital issue and despite the explicit Ahadith about repentance or death. Hence, it came as no surprise when Mustafa Kemal declared the dismemberment of Turkey from the rest of the lands of Islam, and even declared his approval of surrendering the Islamic lands to the Kufr states to decide their fate because the issue was relegated from the level of being a vital issue. Thus the calamity took place and the Muslims became indifferent towards having to live in several states, and being divided into several peoples and nations. This was only because the issue of the Ummah’s unity and the issue of the state’s unity were no longer regarded as vital issues and the measure undertaken towards them was no longer a measure of life and death.

Hence, it is imperative to restore this issue at its rightful place and to consider it a vital issue, thus preventing the dismemberment of any country from the body of the Khilafah, even if this led to several years of fighting and even if it led to the killing of millions of Muslims.

Likewise, Islam has made the displaying of flagrant disbelief (Kufr) one of the vital issues, and made the measure undertaken towards it a measure of life and death; thus Islam determined the issue and the measure. Muslim reported in the Hadith of ‘Auf ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Amirs will be appointed over you, and you will find them doing good deeds as well as bad deeds. The one who hates their bad deeds is absolved from blame, the one who disapproves of their bad deeds is also safe, but the one who approves and follows is doomed.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah! Should we not fight them with the sword?” He said: “No, as long as they continue to establish prayer amongst you.” In another narration : “They said: “O Messenger of Allah, should we not fight them then? He (saw) replied: “No, as long as they continue to establish prayer amongst you.” Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Ubadah Ibn-us-Samit who said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) invited us, so we pledged our Bay’ah to him to hear and to obey in weal and woe, in ease and in hardship and evil circumstances; that we would not dispute with the people in authority, unless we witnessed a flagrant Kufr of which there is a conclusive proof from Allah.” In Al-Tabarani’s narration it said: “evident Kufr.” and in a narration by Ahmed, it said: “As long as he does not order you to commit a flagrant sin.” It was also reported on the authority of ‘Auf Ibn Malik from Al-Ashja’i who said that the Prophet (saw) said: “The best of your Imams are those whom you love and they love you and who pray for you and you pray for them, and the worst of your Imams are those whom you hate and they hate you and you curse them and they curse you’. We asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah shall we not then resist them?’ He said: ‘No, as long as they continue to establish prayer amongst you”.

Establishing prayer is reflected in the establishment of the Deen; it is also tantamount to the rule by Islam and the manifestation of its rites. The flagrant Kufr is the Kufr manifested in the actions performed by the ruler, i.e. the rule by Kufr. Hence, the concept behind these Ahadith is that the Khaleefah ought to be resisted by the Muslims if he started to deviate from the rule of Islam and if he failed to uphold its rites, and that he ought to be fought by them if he established the rule of Kufr. Also, the Muslims must challenge the people in authority if they witness a flagrant Kufr. Challenging them means generating the challenge even if this led to fighting them. It is mentioned in Al-Fateh: “The scholars have agreed upon the obligation of obeying the dominant Sultan and of performing Jihad alongside him; that his obedience is better than rebellion against him, for this would spare lives and appease the populace; however they excluded from this the case where the flagrant Kufr is displayed by the Sultan, in which case it would be forbidden to obey him, he should rather be fought by those who are capable, as mentioned in the Hadith.”

Imam al-Shawkani wrote in his book entitled Nayl al-Awtar, “Those who hold the opinion that it is obligatory to resist the wrongdoers with the sword and struggle against them, they used as evidence the general texts in the Book and the Sunnah .”

Hence, the issue pertaining to the obligation of ruling by Islam and preventing the rule of Kufr is a vital issue, because Allah (swt) has made the measure that should be undertaken towards it a measure of life and death; thus he who does not rule by Islam and rules by a Kufr system should either retract or be killed.

The Muslims are ordered not to keep silent over the rule by other than what Allah (swt) has revealed, because it is a vital issue. However, when piety weakened in the souls of the Muslims and their understanding of Islam also weakened, it became easy for them to keep silent over the Khulafaa’ and the rulers if they ruled by Kufr in one single matter. When their weakness increased, they found it easy to keep silent over the rulers if they ruled by Kufr in several matters. The long term consequence of this silence was that the rulers had the audacity to implement Kufr in a flagrant manner. The Muslims in Egypt kept silent when the ruler implemented the French civil law and abolished the Shari’ah rules. The Muslims kept silent in the Islamic State when the rules of Kufr were established as a constitution for the Muslims in 1909. Though they revolted against them at first, but they went silent afterwards. It came as no surprise when Mustafa Kemal destroyed the Khilafah and all the rules of Islam and declared the rule of Kufr. This was because the Muslims no longer regarded this issue as a vital one, thus the calamity occurred and it became easy for the Muslims to witness the flagrant Kufr without brandishing the sword to remove it; it even became easy for them to be ruled by Kufr without condemning it. Worse than that, the majority of Muslims accepted the rules of Kufr, became accustomed to them and relinquished the rules of Islam by choice. This situation reached the point where Muslims accepted Kufr and called for it, in addition to keeping silent over it and not brandishing the sword against it. All this was only because the issue of ruling by a Kufr system was no longer a vital issue, and the measure undertaken towards it was no longer that of life and death.

Hence, it is imperative to reinstate this issue in its rightful place and to consider it a vital issue, so that the rule by a Kufr system would be prevented even if this led to several years of fighting and even if it led to the killing of millions of Muslims and to the martyrdom of millions of believers.

Therefore, the perception of all the vital issues which Allah (swt) had outlined and determined and the perception of the life and death measures which He (swt) had made obligatory has weakened. The linkage of these issues to the Islamic Aqeedah has also weakened, and they were relegated from their position to the point where they were no longer perceived as being very critical Shari’ah rules, for which arms should be taken up. Thus, they were relegated from the position in which Allah (swt) had placed them, meaning they were relegated from the position of the vital issue. Consequently, the measure which the Shari’ah had decreed towards them was no longer deemed to be the resistance by force and the brandishing of the sword to remove the rule of Kufr and restore the rule of Islam. Therefore, the issue of destroying the Khilafah, thus removing the system of Islam, was not perceived as a vital issue. The fact that this was indeed a vital one was not dominant over the atmospheres and the souls. So Mustafa Kemal went ahead with his action, destroyed the Khilafah and wiped out Islam from the political map without anyone taking up arms against him and fighting him. Therefore, the Kuffar’s destruction of the Khilafah and their removal of the system of Islam from existence occurred with this ease and simplicity, before the eyes of millions of Muslims. Had the Muslims been at the time aware that this issue was a vital one, upon which the fate of the Muslims and the fate of Islam depended, and that the inevitable measure towards it was to take to take up arms and fight Mustafa Kemal, they would not have been dealt this blow, this horrific calamity, and this major tragedy. Hence, the Muslims’ failure to perceive that this issue was a vital issue which necessitated a measure of life and death, was the cause of this calamity that befell them.

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Superior Economic Model : Islamic System

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