It's been over seven months, with 45,000+ civilians killed in P41estine the majority of whom are women and children. Similarly with Muslims worldwide (Burma, Kashmir, Uygurs in East Turkestan etc..), and the silence of "Muslim" rulers is deafening. The only solution is for Muslims to mobilize their armies and unite under a single umbrella of Khilafah, which is the promise of Allah SWT. If you are in a position of power, please raise your voice. If you can't do much, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society or any other charity organisations which you truly trust, JazakAllah khairan.

2 The Impact of this view on the relationship between Man and Woman

Only when the instinct is excited, will it require satisfaction. Once the instinct requires satisfaction, it will drive mankind to acquire it, and the human will experience anxiety as long as the instinct is excited. Once it is calmed down, anxiety will no longer exist. The nonsatisfaction of this instinct will not result in death or any physical, mental, or psychological harm. Harm will be merely through anxiety and frustration. Consequently the satisfaction of this instinct is not mandatory such as the satisfaction of the organic needs, it is rather a matter to bring about tranquillity and comfort.

Two matters excite the instinct:

1. The tangible reality and

2. Thought and association of ideas.

One of these matters at least, must be present for the instinct to be excited. Meaning, it is not excited due to an internal motive, as is the case with the organic need, but rather from an external incentive, namely the tangible reality or associated thoughts. This holds true for all instincts, namely the instinct of survival, sanctification and procreation, with no difference between them.

Since the procreation instinct is similar to the other instincts in that if it is excited it will require satisfaction, and since it is not excited except by a tangible reality or associated thoughts, then the human is able to control this satisfaction. As a matter of fact, the human is able to initiate this satisfaction, or to prevent it from taking place except in such a manner that it is geared towards preserving the human race. Seeing the opposite sex or any tangible reality related to the procreation instinct will excite the instinct and cause it to require satisfaction. Consequently, reading sexual stories and listening to sexual ideas will excite the procreation instinct. Conversely, keeping away from the opposite sex, sexual ideas or anything related to the procreation instinct will prevent the instinct from being excited. This is so because the procreation instinct cannot be excited except by a tangible reality or a sexual thought.

If the community's view of the relationship between men and woman is focused on the male-female relations, i.e. the sexual relations, as is the case in Western society, then it will be preoccupied with creating exciting tangible realities and generating sexual thoughts necessary to excite the procreation instinct, so as to require satisfaction, and by its satisfaction, the relationship is achieved and comfort is gained. Contrary to this, if the view of the community to the relationship between man and woman is focused on the purpose for which this instinct was created, namely preserving the human race, then keeping the tangible realities and sexual thoughts away from men and woman in public life is a necessity. Otherwise, the instinct will be excited and require a satisfaction that is not available, a matter which causes anxiety and frustration. Also, restricting exciting tangible realities to the case of marriage is necessary to preserve the human race, by producing tranquillity and comfort when satisfaction is demanded within marriage.

This is a clear indication of the extent that the community's view of manwoman relations has in directing public life in the community and in the society. Both the Western and Eastern view of the man-woman relationship is one that is sexual, not one geared to preserving the human race. Hence, they purposely worked on finding tangible realities and sexual thoughts for man and woman to excite this instinct, in order to satisfy it. They claimed that if this instinct is not satisfied, this will lead to suppression, which leads to physical, psychological and mental harm. As a result, one finds in the Eastern and Western communities and in the Western and Communist societies, many sexual thoughts in writing, poetry, and literature in general. It is normal in these societies to have unnecessary free mixing between men and women in their homes, parks, roads, and swimming pools for example. This is because they consider these things a necessity which they purposely create. It is a part of organising their life and a part of their life style.

Muslims who believe in the Aqeedah of Islam and the validity of its rules, carry a different point of view. Meaning, Islam views the man-woman relations as for preserving the human race. The Islamic point of view does not focus on the sexual aspect of the relationship': though considering it an inseparable part of satisfaction, however, it is not the motive. Consequently, Islam views the presence of sexual ideas and the tangible realities that excite the instinct as a cause of corruption and harm. Hence, it forbade man and woman to meet in seclusion (Khulwa), the woman from showing her charms to strangers (those whom she can marry) and the men and women from looking at each other in a sexual fashion. Islam also has defined the cooperation between men and women in public life and confined sexual relations between men and women to two situations, namely marriage and ownership of concubines.

Therefore, Islam works to prevent the procreation instinct from being excited by anything in the public life and works to confine sexual relations to specific situations. Contrary to Islam, Capitalism and Communism work to create situations that excite this instinct in order to satisfy it and to set it loose in everything. Also, while Islam views the man-woman relations as only for the purpose of preserving the human race, Capitalism and Communism view the man-woman relations as a male-female one, i.e. a sexual view. The wide difference between what Islam aims to achieve and what the other two ideologies are designed to achieve becomes evident. This reflects the Islamic point of view as being one of purity, righteousness and chastity, and it is for the tranquillity of the human and the continuation of his race.

With regard to what the Westerners and the Communists claim that suppressing the sexual instinct in men and women alike causes mental, physical and psychological disorders to the human, this claim is wrong and conflicts with reality. This is due to the fact that there is a difference between the organic needs and the instincts in terms of the necessity of satisfaction. The former, such as the need for food, drink, and relieving the call of nature, must be satisfied or it will result in physical harm that may lead to death. As for the instincts of survival, sanctification and procreation, if not satisfied these will not lead to any physical, mental or psychological harm, but merely lead to anxiety and pain. This is proven by the fact that a person might spend his entire life without satisfying some of the instincts and no harm befalls Him. Also their claim that physical, mental and psychological illnesses occur when the procreation instinct is not satisfied is false, since it only happens to some individuals, not humans at large. This shows that such illnesses do not happen naturally due to its non-satisfaction but rather due to other factors. If such complications were a result of suppressing the instinct, it would have happened in every case of non-satisfaction, according to the laws of nature, a matter which has never occurred. And they admit to the fact that it does not occur naturally due to non-satisfaction. Therefore, such complications must be due to factors other than the suppression of the instinct.

Furthermore, an organic need requires satisfaction naturally from within. It does not require an external stimulant, though an external stimulant incites it when the need is present. This is different from the instinct which does not require satisfaction naturally from within, without the presence of an external stimulant. It is not stimulated internally unless there exists an external stimulant which results either from an exciting tangible reality or an exciting sexual thought, part of which is the association of exciting thoughts. When the external factor is absent, there will be no stimulation. This holds true for all instincts with no difference between the instinct of survival, sanctification or procreation and with all their external manifestations. Therefore, if a stimulant for any instinct is present, the person will be excited and the instinct will require satisfaction. Once the stimulant is kept at bay or the person becomes occupied in something that is more important, the demand for satisfaction will disappear and He will calm down. This is different from the organic need where once excited, it will never go away until satisfied.

This clearly demonstrates that if the procreation instinct is not satisfied, there will result no physical, mental or psychological illness, since it is merely an instinct, and not an organic need. What in fact happens is that once a person is confronted with an exciting tangible reality or sexual thought, which stimulates the procreation instinct, that person will be excited and demand satisfaction. If the demand is not met with satisfaction, that person will experience nothing more than anxiety. With repetition, anxiety will turn to pain. However, if the stimulant is kept away or the person is kept occupied with something that dominates the instinct, the anxiety disappears. Therefore, suppressing the procreation instinct once aroused will result in anxiety and pain, and if not excited, nothing will result, not even anxiety or pain. Therefore, the proper solution is not to excite the instinct. This is achieved by preventing anything from exciting it as long as it can not be satisfied.

This shows the fallacy of the Western and Communist point of view, which made the community's view to the relations between men and women focused on the male-female relations. Consequently, it shows the falsehood of the treatment produced by this point of view of stimulating the instinct in the man and the woman via highlighting things that stimulate it, such as free mixing, dancing, games, stories, etc. It also shows the truthfulness of the Islamic point of view which made the community's view to man-woman relations focused on the purpose for which this instinct was created, namely preserving the human race. Accordingly, it shows the correctness of the solution produced by this view of keeping away any kind of stimulating tangible reality or sexual thought when legal satisfaction through marriage or through concubines is not available. Therefore, Islam alone is able to completely and correctly treat the corruption caused by the procreation instinct in the society and among the people. Such correct and complete treatment will result in piety and elevation in the society and among the people.

Superior Economic Model : Islamic System

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