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10.3.2 The Hukm of the Judiciary

It is agreed upon by the four schools of thought (i.e. Hanafi, Shafi‘i, Hanbali and Maliki) that the judiciary is fard kifayyah (sufficient fard) like the Khilafah. Accordingly, if there is no judiciary, there will be no judging by Islam, and the whole Muslim Ummah will be sinful for its absence. However, if there is a functional judiciary, that is fulfilling the role of administration of justice for the people, then the fard has been fulfilled, and the sin is removed from the necks of the Muslims.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “One day from a just Imam is better than worshipping sixty years, and the establishment of one hadud (an Islamic punishment) on the earth is better than rain for 40 years.”

These are some opinions of the distinguished scholars on the issue of the Judiciary:

- Imam Sarkhasi considered that the judiciary is the strongest fard after iman, because it ensures Allah’s (swt) laws are implemented in practice. - Imam Ghazzali said that the judiciary is from the Jihad.

- ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud (ra) said, I prefer to sit as a judge between two people more than to perform 70 years of ibadat.

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