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23 Riba and Currency Exchange (Sarf)

Riba (usury) is the practice of taking property for another property of the same type unequally. The money exchange (Sarf) is the practice of taking a property for another property from gold and silver of the same type equally, or of two different types equally or preferentially. The exchange can only take place in trade, as for usury, it can only happen in a trade (Bay’u) transaction, in a loan (Qardh) or in a Salam (forward buying). Trading (Al-Bay’u) is the practice of exchanging property for property resulting in an exchange of property; this is permitted for Allah (swt) says:

“And Allah has made trading lawful” [Al-Baqarah: 275] And because Bukhari reported on the authority of Hakeem Ibn Hizaam that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “The two trading parties possess the right of withdrawal (from the deal) unless they separate.” As for the Salam, this means handing over a commodity immediately for a defined commodity which is to be handed over at a specific time in the future (Ajal). Salam also known as Salaf (credit). It is one type of trading and it is contracted in the same way as the trading, but with the wording of Al-Salam. This is permitted for Allah (swt) says:

“When you contract a debt for a fixed period, write it down” [Al-Baqarah: 282] Ibn Abbas said: “I bear witness that the guaranteed Salaf (borrowing), to a fixed future date, has been made lawful and allowed by Allah “Azza Wa Jall”, then He recited the verse:

“When you contract a debt for a fixed period, write it down” [Al-Baqarah: 282]

Also because the two Sheikhs (i.e. Bukhari & Muslim) reported on the authority of Ibn Abbas who said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) arrived in Madinah while people were lending and borrowing dates over two or three years, so He (pbuh) said: ‘If any of you lends anything, let it be in a known measure or a known weight and for a known period of time.”’ As for the Qardh (loan), it is a type of Salaf, which is to give property to someone in order to restore it from Him later and this is lawful. Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Rafi’i “that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) borrowed a young camel from a man, then He received Sadaqah in the form of camels. So He (pbuh) ordered Abu Rafi’i to give the man his young camel; Abu Rafi’i came back to Him and said: ‘I only found a four year old camel.’ Upon this He (pbuh) said: ‘Give it to him, for the best people are those who pay back their debt in the best manner.”’ Ibn Hibban reported on the authority of Ibn Mas’oud that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “No Muslim would give another Muslim a loan twice, except that one would be written for Him as charity.” Also because it has been established that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to borrow.

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